![]() (5) Install gear cover spacer (40) and new gas-
(13) Install the governor assembly (para 3-9).
ket (41); secure to engine block with screws (38) and
(14) Install the air shrouding (para 3-7).
lock washers (39).
(15) Install the carburetor and manifolds (TM
(6) Install the camshaft (para 3-19).
(7) Install the main bearings and crankshaft
(16) Install the flywlleel alternator (para 3-6).
(17) Install the flywheel assembly for the engine
(8) Install the cylinder block (para 3-16).
(9) Install the pistons and connecting rods
(18) Install the oil filter to flywheel shrouding
(10) Install the oil pump (para 3-14), oil filler
(11) Install the idler gear and shaft (para 3-11).
(12) Install the gear cover (para 3-10).
This equipment uses no primary radio suppression
Essentially, suppression is attained by providing a low
components. Replace the secondary radio suppression
resistance path to ground for stray currents. The meth-
components as follows:
ods used include shielding the ignition and high fre-
a. Replace the shielded spark plug cables as
quency wires and grounding the frame with bonding
directed in TM 5-4320-272-12.
b. Replace the magneto ground strap as directed in
TM 5-4320-272-12.
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