![]() (3) Inspect the cylinder head for cracks. bro-
(5) Remove the screws (18) and lock washers
ken cooling fins, corrosion, damaged threads in spark
(19) mounting the flywheel shroud (12) to the lower
plug ports, or other defects.
cylinder shrouds (20 and 21) and cylinder heat deflec-
(4) Replace cylinder head gasket (4) and any
tors (24 and 25).
defective parts.
(6) Remove the flywheel shroud (12) by
c. Installation.
removing screws (8 and 10) and lock washers (9 and
(1) Use a new gasket (4, fig. 3-10) when you
11 ) securing it to the engine gear cover.
install the cylinder head (3). Installation is the reverse
(7) Remove rear shroud covers (16 and 17) by
of removal. Refer to items 1 through 4 of figure 3-10.
removing screws (13 and 15) and lock washers (14).
(2) Tighten the cylinder head screws (1) in the
(8) Remove the lower cylinder shrouds (20
sequence shown in figure 3-4 to help insure proper
and 21) by removing the screws (18) and lock
seating of the cylinder head. First install all screws so
washers (19).
that they are just snug, then tighten them in incre-
(9) Before you can remove the cylinder heat
ments in the required sequence to prevent undue
deflectors (24 and 25), you will have to remove the
stress on any part of the cylinder head. When you
carburetor and manifolds (TM 5-4320 -272-12). You
tighten them the last increment, torque the screws to
will also have to remove the governor bracket mount-
25 to 32 foot-pounds.
ing screws (14 and 15, fig. 3-5).
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean the parts of the air shrouding with a
cloth dampened with cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-
680); dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect all parts for rust, corrosion, cracks,
chipped paint, dents, and distortion before you rein-
stall them. Straighten dented and distorted panels
enough to reuse them. If the distortion is severe, you
must replace the shrouding. Remove rust and corro-
sion with sandpaper, rubbing until the surface is clean
and bright. Prime and paint the bare surfaces.
c. Installation. Installation of the air shrouding is
the reverse of removal. Refer to figure 3-3.
3-8. Cylinder Head
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the oil filter from the flywheel
shrouding (para 3-4).
(2) Remove the flywheel assembly from the
engine (para 3-5).
After you have completed the engine
reassembly and have run in the engine,
(3) Remove the flywheel alternator (para 3-6).
retighten the cylinder head screws in the
(4) Remove the carburetor and manifolds
required sequence to the torque indi-
(TM 5-4320-272-12).
cated above.
(5) Remove the air shrouding (para 3-7).
(6) Remove 17 cap screws (1, fig. 3-10) and flat
washers (2) securing cylinder head (3) to cylinder
block (8); remove cylinder head and gasket (4).
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
For an operational description and
(1) Remove all carbon and lead deposits from
instructions for adjustment of the gover-
combustion areas with a wire brush and scraper. Clean
nor, you can refer to TM 5-4320-272-12.
the cylinder head with cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-
The governor can be removed with the
D-680). Dry thoroughly with clean, dry compressed
engine mounted on the pumping assem-
(2) Clean the top of the cylinder block (8, fig.
(1) Disconnect the oil tube (2, fig. 3-13) from
a scraper and a cloth dampened in cleaning solvent
the governor (9, fig 3-5) to the crankcase. Disconnect
(fed. spec. P-D-680). You must be very careful not to
the oil tube (1, fig. 3-1 ) to the oil filter.
get dirt in the cylinders.
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