![]() c. Installation.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Install the woodruff key (9, fig. 3-11) in the
(1) Discard and replace the oil filter element
and gaskets.
crankshaft keyway. Position the flywheel (8) on the
(2) Clean all remaining parts with cleaning sol-
crankshaft so that the keyway dines with the woodruff
vent (fed. spec. P-D-680); dry thoroughly. Blow out
key in the shaft keyway. Tap onto shaft with soft ham-
tubes with compressed air.
(2) Secure the flywheel to the crankshaft with
(3) Inspect the tubes for dents, cracks, dam-
nut (6) and lock washer (7).
aged tube nuts, and collapsed walls; replace damaged
(3) Drive in hand crank pin (5) so that ends
(4) Inspect the filter body and cover for cracks,
protrude evenly.
distortion, dents, damaged threads, and other damage;
(4) Install the drive pulley (4) and secure it to
replace a damaged body or cover.
the flywheel with cap screws (2) and lock washers (3).
(5) Inspect all other parts for cracks, distor-
(5) Secure the flywheel screen (3, fig. 3-3) with
tion, and damaged threads. Replace damaged parts.
cap screws (1) and lock washers (2).
c. Reassembly and Installation. Reassembly and
installation are the reverse of removal and disassem-
3-6. Flywheel Alternator
bly. Refer to figure 3-1. With drain plug in place, refill
crankcase with engine oil; refer to LO 5-4320-272-12.
nents shall be done while the parts are mounted on the
After you install the oil filter, start the engine and
engine. Test before disassembling the parts. The recti-
fier and regulator modules and the isolation diode are
check for oil leaks. Correct any leaks.
grounded to the engine so that they cannot be tested
while mounted at a remote location. Before conduct-
3-5. Flywheel
a. Removal.
ing the following tests to determine the condition of
(1) Remove the eight screws (1, fig 3-3) and
the components, check to insure that you have good
lock washers (2) securing the flywheel screen (3) to the
continuity between the modules and the engine. These
flywheel shroud (12).
are static tests which do not require that you run the
(2) After you remove the screen, take off
engine. Disconnect battery leads and uncouple the
the drive pulley (4, fig. 3-11) by removing the cap
connectors that connect the modules to the stator
screws (2) and lock washers (3) that secure it to the
flywheel (8).
(1) To check for stator continuity, use a multi-
(3) Drive out pin (5) and remove nut (6) and
meter with R x 1 scale (minimum sensitivity of 20,000
lock washer (7) that secure the flywheel to the
ohm/volts), and check as follows:
crankshaft (30).
(a) With positive meter probe connected
to black wire No. 1 and negative probe connected to
black wire No. 2, the multimeter should indicate
The flywheel weighs approximately 50
approximately 1.00 ohm resistance. Replace stator if
lbs. Take care when you remove it.
multimeter indicates a short (no resistance) or open
(infinite resistance) circuit.
(4) Remove the flywheel (8) by taking a firm
(b) With positive meter probe connected
hold on the flywheel fins, pulling outward while you
to black wire No. 1 and negative probe connected to
strike the end of the crankshaft with a plastic hammer.
the dark blue wire (center tap), the resistance should
Do not use a hard hammer as you may damage the
be approximately 0.50 ohm.
crankshaft and bearings. The flywheel will slide off the
(c) With positive meter probe connected
taper of the crankshaft. Take care when you remove
to black wire No. 2 and negative probe connected to
the flywheel that no damage occurs to the alternator
the dark blue wire (center tap), the resistance should
stator which is mounted behind the flywheel. Remove
be approximately 0.50 ohm.
(d) Wth the positive meter probe con-
woodruff key (9).
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
nected to black lead No. 1 and negative probe con-
(1) Clean the flywheel with cleaning solvent
nected to the red lead, the resistance should be 2.75
(fed. spec. P-D-680) and dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect the flywheel for bent or broken
(e) With the positive meter probe con-
fins, chipped, cracked, or broken teeth on the ring
nected to black lead No. 2 and negative probe con-
nected to the red lead, the resistance should be 1.75
gear, damaged or worn bore, distortion, or other dam-
age. Inspect the magnetic rotor insert for damage or
(f) If any of these tests indicate a short or
signs of contact with the stator.
(3) Replace the flywheel assembly if inspec-
open circuit, you must replace the stator.
(g) Any connection between a lead and
tion indicates damage.
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