![]() major repair or overhaul. For removal of
lever (20) to bracket (16).
engine accessories, refer to TM 5-4320-
(2) Remove screw (21) and control wire con-
nector (22) from lever.
(3) Remove cotter pin (23) that secures adjust-
a. Removal.
ing screw pin (24) in control lever; withdraw pin.
(1) Remove the oil filter from flywheel
(4) Remove adjusting screw lock nut (25);
shrouding (para3-4).
remove adjusting screw pin (24), spring retainer (26),
(2) Remove the flywheel assembly from the
spring (27) and cotter pin (28) from adjusting screw
engine (para 3-5).
(3) Remove the flywheel alternator (para 3-6).
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(4) Remoe the carburetor and manifolds
(1) Clean the exterior of the governor with a
(TM 5-4320-272-12).
cloth dampened with cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-
(5) Remove the air shroudng (para 3-7).
680). Wipe dry. With the bearing exposed on the end
(6) Remove the governor assembly (para 3-9).
of the governor shaft, you should take care against the
(7) Using a drift, drive the two pins (10, fig.
entry of dust and dirt.
3-13) from the gear cover (15) and engine block (54).
(2) Clean the governor control parts with
(8) Remove the four screws (11) and lock
cleaning solvent; dry thoroughly.
washers (12) that secure the gear cover spacer (40) to
(3) Inspect the governor shaft bearing for
the gear cover (15).
rough, catching or binding operation. Check the balls
(9) Remove the screws (13) and lock wash-
for scoring and check the races for damage. If you find
ers (14) securing the gear cover (15) to the engine
the bearing is damaged replace the governor assembly.
block. You can now remove the gear cover (15) and
(4) Inspect the drive gear for damaged gear
gasket (16) by sliding them off the crankshaft.
teeth. If gear is damaged, replace governor.
(5) Inspect the governor for cracks, wear, and
(10) With the gear cover removed, the timing
other obvious damage. By rotating the drive gear, you
gears are exposed. You should now remove the
can check the governor drive shaft. It must turn freely
crankshaft oil deflector (10, fig. 3-11) and the camshaft
without catching or binding. Check the movement of
thrust plunger (1, fig. 3-12) and spring (2) to prevent
the lever governing shaft in its needle bearings. It must
them from being lost during further overhaul.
pivot freely without catching or binding and without
(11) Press the front oil seal (17, fig. 3-13) from
excessive play. Replace a damaged governor.
the gear cover.
(6) Discard and replace the governor housing
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
gasket (10, fig. 3-5).
(1) Discard and replace all gaskets and seals.
(7) Inspect the control lever (20) for wear and
(2) Clean the gear cover with cleaning solvent
distortion. Insert the lever fulcrum pin (19) into the
(fed. sec. P-D-680) and dry thoroughly.
pivot of the lever to check the parts for wear. There
(3) Inspect the gear cover for cracks, distor-
should be no more than just perceptible clearance.
tion, damaged or marred sealing surfaces, and other
Replace parts if worn.
damage; replace a damaged gear cover.
(8) Inspect all remaining parts for cracks, dis-
(4) Inspect the camshaft thrust plunger button
tortion, wear, or other damage. Replace all damaged
(18, fig. 3-13) for cracks, distortion, wear or other
damage; replace if damaged.
d. Assembly and Installation.
c. Installation, Using new gasket and oil seal,
(1) Using a new governor housing gasket,
install the gear cover in the reverse order of removal.
assemble and install the governor and controls in the
Tighten the gear cover screws to 14 to 18 foot- pounds
reverse order of removal and disassembly. Refer to
torque. Tighten the screws evenly and alternately in
sequence to prevent undue strain on the gear cover.
screws (7), tighten them to 15 to 20 foot-pounds
(2) Adjust the governor as directed in TM 5-
a. Removal.
(1) Remove gear cover as directed in para-
graph 3-10 a.
3-10. Gear Cover
(2) Remove the setscrew (19, fig. 3-13) which
locks the idler gear shaft (20) in positon on the mag-
neto side of the crankcase.
Th gear cover cannot be removed with-
out first removing the magneto. You
(3) You can remove the idler gear shaft (20)
should have removed this and other
and idler gear (21) by using a puller as shown in figure
engine accessories before starting a
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