![]() (12) Secure the remaining connecting rods to
(10) Check the crankpin bearing joumal-to-
the crankpin journals.
connecting rod bearing clearance with Plastigage. Lay
(13) Install the oil pump (para 3-14) and the oil
apiece of Plastigage material on the crankshaft journal
and install the connecting rod. You will notice a num-
filler (para 3-13), and the oil pan (para 3-12).
(14) Install the idler gear and shaft (para 3-11).
ber is stamped on the side of the rod and cap. Match
(15) Install the gear cover (para 3-10).
each connecting rod with its corresponding cap. These
(16) Install the governor assembly (para 3-9).
numbers must be on the same sides of the rod in
(17) Install the air shrouding (para 3-7).
reassembly. Tighten the connecting rod nuts to 28 to
(18) Install the carburetor and manifolds
32 foot-pounds torque. Remove the bearing cap and
(TM 5-4320-272-12).
compare the width of the flattened Plastigage material
(19) Install the flywheel alternator (para 3-6).
with the scale markings on the Plastigage package to
(20) Install the flywheel assembly to the engine
determine the clearance. The bearing-to-journal clear-
ance shall be 0.0015 to 0.003 inch. If clearance is
(21) Install the oil filter to the flywheel shroud-
beyond these limits, replace the bearing and/or the
ing (para 3-4).
crankshaft as required.
(11) Lubricate the crankpin bearing journals
and the sleeve bearings with engine oil. When you
3-16. Cylinder Blocks
install the cap (13, fig. 3-11 ) on its connecting rod (15)
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the pistons and connecting rods as
and crankpin journal, secure it with the two cap screws
(12) and nuts (11). Torque the nuts to 28 to 32 foot-
directed in paragraph 3-15 a.
(2) Remove the six nuts (5, fig. 3-10) and lock
pounds. With feeler gage, check side clearance
washers (6 and 7) securing each cylinder block to the
between connecting rod and crankpin. Refer to table
engine block.
3-1 for tolerances.
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