![]() k. Install the governor lever and related parts
j. Install the breaker points, carburetor, fuel
(items 1 through 6, fig. 4-11). Adjust the engine
breaker points and governor (TM 5-4320-259-12).
in full contact with the walls. Use diesel fuel or
4-19. Description
kerosene as a cutting and cooling agent.
a. The cast iron cylinder block includes the
(2) With the lower end of the hone alined with
cylinder and crankcase. The valves seat in valve
the lower end of the cylinder, start the rotation of
seat inserts which are pressed into the top of the
the hone. Move the hone up and down continuously
cylinder block. Valve tappets and valve stems ride
during reboring to prevent the formation of ridges.
in bores in the cylinder block. The exterior of the
Check the size frequently.
cylinder is deeply finned to provide efficient air
(3) When the bore is within 0.0025 inch of
cooling of the cylinder, dispelling the heat of
desired size, remove the coarse stones and replace
combustion of the burning gases in the cylinder.
with the burnishing stones. Continue to rebore with
b. One side of the cylinder block is bored to
the burnishing stones until the bore is within
provide seats for the shaft seal and the ball bearing
0.0005 inch of the desired size. Change stones and
in which the crankshaft rides. The opposite side of
use finish stones to polish the bore to the desired
the cylinder block is open and provides mounting
facilities for the bearing plate. The bottom of the
(4) After reboring, clean the cylinder walls
cylinder block is open and provides mounting
with soap and water. Dry thoroughly. Apply a light
facilities for the oil pan.
coat of SAE 10 engine oil to prevent rust.
d. Make sure the valve seats meet the
4-20. Removal
requirements given in paragraph 4-5 g and h. If the
valve seat inserts are cracked or damaged beyond
lines, carburetor, breaker points, flywheel, and
repair, new inserts (21 and 22, fig. 4-7) can be
magneto (TM 5-4320-259-12).
installed. When installing new inserts, heat the
b. Remove the centrifugal pump from the engine
engine cylinder block in an oven to about 200 F.
Chill the valve seat inserts with dry ice. The chilled
inserts should press easily into the valve seat insert
counterbores in the heated cylinder block. Make
d. Remove the piston and connecting rod (para
sure the counterbores are thoroughly cleaned before
installing the inserts, otherwise the valves will not
seat properly. The valves must be lapped into the
replaced inserts. Refer to paragraph 4-5 h.
4-22. Reassembly
a. Clean the cylinder block thoroughly with an
b. Install the main bearings and crankshaft
approved cleaning solvent; dry thoroughly.
b. Inspect the cylinder block for cracks,
c. Install the piston and connecting rod (para 4-
damaged threads, cracked cooling fins, scored
cylinder bore, and damaged bearing and seal seats.
d. Install the valves and cylinder head (para 4-
c. Check the cylinder bore for an out-of-round
condition. Use an inside micrometer and check at
e. Install the centrifugal pump on the engine
points 90. degrees apart for the full length of the
working surface of the cylinder bore. If the cylinder
f. Install the magneto, flywheel, breaker points,
bore is out of round, tapered, or worn beyond the
carburetor, fuel tank and lines, muffler, and air
limits cited in table 4-1, rebore the cylinder as
cleaner (TM 5-4320-259-12).
g. Service the engine completely and adjust the
(1) Lower the hone into the bore after it is
breaker points and governor (TM 5-4320-59-12).
properly centered. Adjust the stones so that they are
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