head pressure necessary to cause fluid flow through
3-1. Description
the pump. The volute is secured to the seal plate.
The impeller of the centrifugal pump is
c. The volute is encased by the pump housing.
threaded directly on the extended end of the engine
The pump housing provides facilities for attaching
crankshaft. A seal plate mounted between the
the suction a n d discharge fittings. During
impeller and the engine adapts the pump to the
operation, the pump housing remains filled with the
engine, providing the required alinement between
fluid being pumped. Gaskets are installed between
the two components. A seal is installed in the seal
the volute and the housing, and between the
plate around the rotating crankshaft to prevent the
housing and the seal plate to prevent leakage.
fluid being pumped from leaking, and to prevent
air from being drawn into the pump at this location.
3-2. Removal and Disassembly
Air leakage at this point can greatly reduce pump
Remove the suction and discharge fittings
efficiency and, at higher suction lifts, prevent the
from the centrifugal pump (TM 5-4320-259-12).
pump from pumping entirely.
b. Disconnect the spark plug cable from the
b. The pump impeller is encased in a close-
engine spark plug to prevent engine starting.
fitting volute which is shaped to provide efficient
pumping operation. As the impeller rotates, it
washers (2) that secure the pump body (3) to the
throws the fluid outward by centrifugal force. The
seal plate (14); remove the pump body by pulling it
design of the volute converts the centrifugal force to
straight out from the volute (8) and seal plate.
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