![]() f. Install the centrifugal pump on the engine
and engine housing (TM 5-4320-59-12).
Section IIl.
b. Clean all remaining parts with an approved
4-7. Description
cleaning solvent; dry thoroughly. Take care to
a. The engine uses an aluminum alloy piston
remove all carbon deposits from the top of the
with two compression rings and one oil control ring.
piston and from the piston ring grooves.
Pistons and rings are available in standard sizes
c. Inspect the piston for cracks, wear, and other
and in 0.010-, 0.020-, and 0.030-inch oversizes.
damage. Refer to table 4-1 for pertinent piston
The oversized pistons and rings accommodate
dimensions. Use new rings when checking piston
rebored cylinder bores. Piston pins are available in
ring side clearance.
standard sizes and in 0.005- and 0.010-inch
d. Check the piston pin for scoring, signs of
overheating, wear, and other damage. Check the fit
b. The connecting rod and connecting rod cap
of the piston pin in the piston and in the connecting
make up a matched set and should not be replaced
rod. Piston pin fit must be within the limits in-
individually or intermixed with the parts of another
dicated in table 4-1.
engine. The connecting rod bearing cap is fitted
e. Inspect the connecting rod for cracks,
with a dipper that dips into the engine oil in the oil
twisting, damaged threads, worn crankpin bearing
pan, thereby causing splashing which lubricates the
surf aces, and worn or scored piston pin bore. Check
working parts of the engine.
that connecting rod and cap dimensions are within
limits indicated in table 4-1.
a. Disassembly the pump from the engine (para
Note. Before checking piston ring end gap by inserting
the new piston rings in the cylinder bore, check that the
b. Remove the cylinder head from the engine
cylinder bore is within the required tolerances as directed in
(para 4-4).
and use oversized piston and rings.
c. Remove the oil pan drain plug (14, fig. 4-1)
and drain the oil into a suitable container. Remove
the four assembled washer screws (15) that secure
Reassemble and install the piston and connecting
the oil pan (16) to the engine crankcase; remove
rod as shown in figure 4-1, items 18 through 28.
the oil pan and gasket (17).
Note the following:
d. Bend up the tangs on the lock (20) and
a. When installing the piston rings on the
remove the cap screws (18) and flat washers (19)
pistons, use a standard piston ring expander and
that secure the connecting rod bearing cap (21) to
install the bottom ring first. Several types of
the connecting rod.
production and service rings are available. If the
e. Use a hammer handle or similar device to
cylinder bore has not been rebored, use standard
push the piston (27) and assembled connecting rod
size "service" rings which incorporate an expander.
(28 ) out through the top of the cylinder block.
If the cylinder has been newly rebored, use
f. Remove and discard the piston rings (22, 23,
"production"-type oversized replacement rings. If
and 24).
the engine has been in--service for a considerable
g. Remove and discard the piston pin retainer
length of time since the last reboring, use oversized
ring (25). Press the piston pin (26) from the piston
"service" -type rings, Refer to figure 4-4 for proper
(27) to disengage the piston from the connecting
ring installation information. Stagger the gaps of
rod (28).
the three rings so that they are not in line.
a. Piston rings and piston pin retainer rings
should not be reused. Discard and replace.
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