![]() b. Position the assembled seal plate (14) and
i. Do not remove the volute pins (16) from the
stationary member of the shaft seal (15) on the
seal plate unless they are damaged and require
engine studs (17); secure with nuts (12) and lock
replacement. DO not remove the studs (17) from
washers (13).
the engine unless they are damaged and require
c. Install the remaining parts of the shaft seal
(15) on the engine shaft so that the seal faces are
3-3. Cleaning and Inspection
together. Lubricate the seal faces with engine oil at
a. Discard and replace the shaft seal and the
reassembly to prevent damage to the parts by
running dry. Install the shims (10 and 11) and
b. Clean all remaining parts with an approved
impeller (9) on the end of the engine crankshaft.
cleaning solvent; dry thoroughly.
The impeller has a right-hand thread.
c. Inspect the impeller for cracked, distorted, or
d. Install the volute (8) on the volute pins (16)
worn vanes, damaged threads, and damaged back
on the seal plate (14). Check the impeller-to-volute
face. Replace a damaged impeller.
clearance with the volute fully seated on the seal
d. Inspect the volute for cracks and for wear of
plate. Clearance shall be 0.015 to 0.040 inch. If
the inside surfaces. Check the mounting holes for
clearance is not within the required range, remove
enlargement or elongation. Replace the volute if
the volute and impeller. Add or remove impeller
shims as necessary. Reinstall the impeller and
e. Inspect the seal plate for cracks, distortion,
and for a damaged seal seat. Inspect the gasket seat
e. Lightly grease the gasket (6) and install it on
of the seal plate for gouges, nicks, and burrs.
the seal plate (14). Install the volute gasket (7) on
Remove any burrs with a fine stone or file. If the
the volute. Position the pump body (3) on the
volute pins are damaged, press out the damaged
pump so that the studs (4 and 5) engage the holes
pins and replace with new ones.
in the seal plate. Secure with nuts (1) and lock
f. Inspect the pump for cracks, damaged gasket
washers (2).
surfaces, worn and damaged threads, and other
f. After the pump is completely assembled, make
damage. Remove burrs from gasket seats with a
sure the spark plug cable is disconnected from the
fine stone or file. Replace any damaged studs.
spark plug to prevent the engine from starting. Use
Replace a damaged pump body.
the starter rope to turn over the engine and pump,
carefully checking the pump for binding, rubbing,
3-4. Reassembly and Installation
or other faulty operation. Correct any troubles.
a. Carefully press the stationary member of the
Reconnect the spark plug cable if no troubles are
that the seal face will be toward the impeller.
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