b. Remove the suction hose from the packed-up
2-1. Inspecting and Servicing the Equipment
pump and lay it aside temporarily. Unscrew the
a. Inspection. Inspect the pumping assembly,
four mounting bolts (fig. 1-1) that secure the engine
hoses, and nozzles as follows:
and pump base to the frame assembly. Lift out the
(1) Inspect the pumping assembly for cracks,
assembled engine and pump, tilting it as required to
dents, and other damage which might have oc-
provide frame clearance. Place the assembled
curred during shipment.
engine and pump assembly on top of the frame so
(2) Inspect for loose or missing hardware.
that the holes in the engine and pump base line up
(3) Using the starting rope, turn over the
with the holes in the frame. Install the mounting
engine. The engine and pump shall turn freely
bolts to secure the. parts in place.
without any binding, scraping, or other signs of
Note. If it is more advantageous for any particular
faulty operation.
application, the engine and pump assembly can be placed on
(4) Remove and inspect the suction hose for
the ground or on a floor instead of being bolted to the frame
cuts, collapsed walls, damaged fittings, and other
damage. Make sure the end plug and end cap are
c. Remove the discharge hose from the hose
(5) Remove and inspect the discharge hoses
holder on the pumping assembly. Remove the dust
for cuts, cracks, and damaged fittings. Make sure
plug from the female fitting at the one end of the
the end plugs and end caps are installed.
discharge hose. Connect this end to the discharge
(6) Inspect the nozzle for cracks, dents, dif-
cross on the pumping assembly.
ficult operation, and damaged fittings.
d. Remove the cap from the male end of the
(7) Check the received materiel for com-
discharge hose and remove the plug from the
pleteness. The following items must be provided:
nozzle. Connect the nozzle to the end of the
(a) 1 base-mounted pump and engine
discharge hose.
assembly with caps for all intake and discharge
e. Following the directions in steps c anal d above,
install the second discharge hose if necessary.
(b) 1 mounting frame with discharge hose
f. Remove the cap from the suction adapter and
remove the plug from the female end of the suction
(c) 1 suction hose with end plug and cap
hose. Connect the suction hose to the adapter.
(d) 2 discharge hoses with end plugs and
g. Remove the cap from the male end of the
suction hose and connect the hose to the source of
(e) 2 hose nozzles with end plugs
liquid supply.
(8) Report any defective or missing parts.
Warning: Do not operate the pumping
b. Seruicing. Service the equipment as follows:
assembly in an enclosure without piping the
(1) Lubricate the engine (para 3-13).
exhaust gases to the exterior of the enclosure.
(2) Service the air cleaner (para 3-9).
Exhaust gases from the engine contain carbon
monoxide, a colorless, odorless, deadly
(3) Perform the daily preventive maintenance
checks and services as indicated in table 3-1.
poisonous gas.
h. If the pumping assembly is going to be
2-2. Installation
operated in an enclosed area, it will be necessary to
Install the pumping assembly as follows:
pipe the exhaust gases to the outside.
a. Locate the pumping assembly on a level
surface as close to the liquid supply as possible.
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