![]() CHAPTER 8
8-1. General
d. Assembly. Refer to figure -1 and assemble the
parts of the skid base.
a. The skid base is composed of steel I beam
side rails heavily braced with I beam cross members
e. Installation.
and one tubular cross member at each end. A steel
plate is provided under the front of the base to protect
(1) Refer to paragraph 3-42 and install the
the fuel tank from puncture.
b. The skid base is of welded construction with
(2) Refer to paragraph 5-22b and install the
the component parts attached by bolts and nuts. The
engine assembly.
fuel tank is mounted between the side rails of the skid
(3) Refer to paragraph 3-61g and install the
pump assembly.
8-2. Repair
8-3. Fuel Tank
a. Removal.
(1) Refer to paragraph 3-61c and remove
b. Removal.
the pump assembly.
(1) Refer to paragraph 3-61c and remove
(2) Refer to paragraph 5-22a and remove
the pump assembly.
the engine assembly.
(2) Disconnect the fuel line.
(3) Refer to paragraph 3-42 and remove the
(3) Unscrew and remove drain piping.
b. Disassembly. Disassemble the parts from the
skid base as required. Refer to (fig. 8-1).
(4) Remove 8 capscrews and washers which
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
fasten the fuel tank to the skid base.
(1) Steam-clean the skid base and battery
(5) Remove the fuel tank.
box parts.
(2) Flush the fuel tank with an approved
cleaning solvent and drain.
d. Repair or replace. If the fuel tank has been
(3) Remove any greasy gummy deposits
found defective repair or replace as required.
with a cloth dampened with an approved cleaning
solvent; dry thoroughly.
Installation. Install the fuel tank in reverse order
(4) Inspect all parts for damage; if defective.
of removal.
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