![]() ance still is not obtained, refer to paragraph 6-19c(6).
(8) As an alternate method of checking crank
pin bearing journal-to-connecting rod bearing clearance,
install a piece of 0.003 inch thick feeler stock between
(4) If new pistons and pins are being used
the bearing and journal. Lubricate the bearing journal
they may be installed as received, as they have been
with SAE 10 engine oil. Install the connecting rod cap.
pre-pin fitted.
Tighten the connecting rod capscrews to 57-59 ft-lbs of
(5) If the pistons and pins are not being
torque. Try to slide the connecting rod alternately
replaced check the clearance between the piston pins
toward the front and rear of the engine. If clearance is
and the sleeve bearings. If a piston pin will drop through
within tolerance, a definite drag will be felt. If clearance
a piston under its own weight, it is considered to have
is not within tolerance, replace the connecting rod
too much clearance. If the clearance is found too loose
bearings and recheck the clearance.
provide the proper fit. Which is a push fit with piston
e. Reassembly.
and pin both at room temperature.
(6) Refer to figure 6-21 and check piston ring
(1) Refer to figure 619 and reassemble
gap by sliding the piston rings squarely into the cylinder
connecting rod and piston sets, using standard piston
sleeves in which they will be used. Check the ring gap
ring expander.
with feeler stock. If the gap is too small, file the rings to
provide a proper gap.
(2) Refer to figure 6-21 ar4 check piston ring
side clearance with feeler stick.
(7) Check the crankpin bearing journal to
connecting rod bearing clearance with plastigage as
f. Installation.
follows: Place a piece of plastigage near the oil hole of
the bearing cap. Position the cap on the connecting rod
and secure with the two capscrews.
Tighten the
(1) Refer to figure 6-22 and install connecting
capscrews to 57-69 ft-lbs torque. Remove the bearing
rod and piston sets in cylinder block, using standard ring
and bearing cap. Check the bearing journal-to bearing
clearance using plastigage if clearance is not between
(2) Install rod bearings in connecting rods and
0.0005 and 0.003 inch, replace the connecting rod
rod caps.
bearings and recheck the clearance.
(3) Tighten connecting rod capscrews to 57-
59 ft-lbs of torque.
(4) Refer to paragraph 6-15c and perform
operations described.
6-17. Flywheel and Flywheel Housing
a. General. The flywheel and flywheel housing are
located at the end opposite the cooling fan, in the
engine assembly. The flywheel serves as a means of
maintaining engine momentum and aids in the starting
of the engine. The flywheel housing surrounds the
flywheel and serves as a means of attaching equipment.
b. Removal.
(1) Refer to figure 5-1 and remove engine
assembly and housing.
(2) Refer to figure 6-23 and remove flywheel.
(3) Refer to figure 6-24 and remove cap
Figure 6-20. Fitting Piston
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