Figure 6-4. Generator regulator air gap and voltage setting.
6-5. Generator Regulator
(6) Inspect the drive assembly for cracks,
breaks, clutching action, or other damage; replace the
drive assembly if any parts are damaged.
a. General.
(7) Check the armature and field windings for
short circuits, grounds, and open circuits using the same
b. Testing and Adjustment.
method described for the generator parts in paragraph
(1) Refer to figure
field windings is shorted, grounded, or open.
generator regulator cover.
(2) Refer to figure 6-4 and check the air gap
g. Assembly. Assemble the starting motor in the
of the cut out relay unit. With the battery disconnected,
reverse order of disassembly. If the drive is manually
measure the air gap between the armature and the core
rotated to locked position, do not attempt to force it in a
(not between the brass pin in the armature and the core)
reverse direction. Proceed to install with pinion meshing
with the contact points barely touching. If all sets of
with flywheel ring gear. When engine starts, the drive
points do not close together, realine the lower contact
will return to the neutral position.
bracket slightly until all points do meet simultaneously.
h. Installation. Refer to figure 3-22 and install the
Adjust air gap to .048 inch by loosening the two screws
starting motor.
attaching the lower contact bracket, and raise or lower
the contact bracket as required. Be sure the points
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