TM 5-4320-237-15
(3) Inspect the cylinder head for cracks,
warping, broken cooling fins, spark
plug Port threads, and other dam-
age. Straighten bent cooling fins.
Replace a damaged cylinder head.
(4) If any damage is noted which in-
volves the valves, valve seats, cylin-
der block, and other engine parts, re-
port the damage to direct support
c. Installation.
(1) Refer to figure 30 and install the cyl-
inder head using a new gasket
(2) Install the fuel tank and bracket
(3) Install the engine shroud (para 59).
(4) Install the spark plug (para 56).
(5) After installation of fuel tank brack-
et and shroud, torque all cylinder
a. Valve Tappet Cover Removal, Refer to
head mounting bolts, following the
sequence shown in figure 30.
and gasket.
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