![]() TM 5-4320-237-15
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean the exhaust system parts with
stall the crankcase breather.
an approved cleaning solvent Take
care to remove carbon from inside of
piping and muffler.
(2) Inspect the muffler for cracks, dent,
holes, thin walls, and other damage
(3) Inspect all other parts for cracks,
worn or damaged threads, corrosion,
excessive heating, and other damage.
Replace all damaged parts
stall the muffler and piping.
63. Crankcase Breather
move the crankcase breather.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean the crankcase breather by im-
mersing in an approved cleaning sol-
vent; shake dry.
(2) Inspect the breather for visible dam-
age. The breather cap must be free
on the top of the breather. Blow
through the breather with com-
pressed air to assure that the passage
removal and installation
through the breather is free.
(3) Remove the fuel tank and bracket
64. General
a. Cylinder Head. The cylinder head covers
(4) Refer to figure 30 and remove the
the top of the cylinder and provides a mount
cylinder head and gasket.
ing port for the spark plug. It is finned to
help dissipate the heat of engine combustion.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
b. Valve Tappets. Intake and
(1) Discard and replace the cylinder
valves have tappets which raise the valves at
head gasket. Clean the cylinder head
the required portion of the engine operation
and cylinder head bolts with an ap-
cycle. These tappets operate in conjunction
proved cleaning solvent;
with the camshaft. Valve tappet clearance can
carbon deposits from the cylinder
be checked without major engine disassembly,
head, taking care not to scratch seal-
but it cannot be adjusted without disassembly.
ing surfaces.
(2) When the cylinder head is removed,
clean the top of the cylinder block,
a. Removal.
carefully removing carbon from pis-
ton tops and from around the valve
heads and seats. Take care not to
(2) Remove the engine shroud (para
scratch or score valve seats.
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