![]() TM 5-4320-237-15
Figure 28. Magneto, removal and installation
57. General
58. Starting Pulley
The starting pulley, shroud, and flywheel
are mounted on the engine opposite the power
move the starting pulley.
takeoff end.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
a. Starting Pulley. The starting pulley is
(1) Clean the starting pulley with an ap-
screwed to the flywheel end of the engine
proved cleaning solvent; dry thor-
crankshaft. It provides a method of winding
the starting rope for engine starting.
(2) Inspect the starting pulley
b. Shroud. The shroud encases the fly-
cracks. distortion, chipped or broken
wheel and part of the cylinder and cylinder
pulley edges, and worn or damaged
head. It incorporates a screen permit air to
threads. Replace a damaged starting
be drawn into the shroud by the fins on the
rotating flywheel and then directs the stream
of air to the' cylinder to promote engine cool-
stall starting pulley.
c. Flywheel. The flywheel is keyed to the
59. Shroud
end of the crankshaft opposite the power take
a. Removal.
off end to maintain rotation of the crankshaft
(1) Remove the starting pulley (para
between power strokes of the engine piston.
It is provided with fins which act as a fan
(2) Refer to figure 27 and remove the
to maintain a stream of air through the shroud
to the engine to keep the engine cool.
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