![]() TM 5-4320-237-15
b. Checking Valve Tappet Clearance. Re-
c. Valve Tappet Cover Installation. Refer
fer to figure 32 and check valve tappet clear-
to figure 31 and install valve tappet cover
and gasket.
Section XI.
67. General
engine end. The male intake adapter is the
quick coupling type and is screwed into the
a. Suction Hoses. Two 25-foot suction
intake port of the pump housing. All female
hoses are provided. Each is fitted with a male
couplings are provided with plugs and all male
quick coupling connector at one and and a fe-
couplings are provided with caps to prevent
male quick coupling connector at the other
the entry of dirt when the associated port is
end. The female connector engages the intake
not coupled,
adapter on the pump body. The male connec-
tor engages the drum unloader or a mating
connector on the fuel supply source. The
hoses are used in series when the pump-to-sup-
ply distance requires it. The suction hoses
move the hoses and fittings.
have rigid walls which prevent their collaps-
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
ing when the pump sucks fluid through them.
(1) Flush the hoses with an approved
The hoses are electrically conductive to help
cleaning solvent which will not at
dissipate static charges which build up in
tack the rubber material from which
pumping and storage equipment and which
can cause arcing that would ignite fumes of
they are fabricated. Wipe the exter-
the volatile fuels
ior of the hoses with a cloth damp-
b. Discharge Hoses. Two 50-foot discharge
ened with an approved cleaning sol-
hoses are provided. Each is fitted with a male
vent. Clean all fittings by immers-
quick coupling connector at one end and a fe-
ing in solvent.
male quick coupling connector at the other
(2) Inspect the suction hoses for cracks,
end. The female connectors engage the male
leaks, signs of deterioration, worn or
connectors on the discharge tee. The male
damaged fittings, collapsed walls,
connectors engage the female couplings on the
and other damage.
discharge nozzles. The! hoses have flexible
walls. They are electrically conductive to help
dissipate static charges which build up in fuel
pumping and storage equipment.
c. Nozzles. TWO discharge nozzles are pro-
vided for use with the two discharge hoses,
permitting the dispensing of fuel from either
or both discharge hoses. The nozzles are the
non-automatic shutoff type and have female
quick coupling connectors. Each nozzle has a
ground cable to electrically ground the equip-
ment, preventing static charges from arcing
and igniting the fumes of the flammable
d. Fittings. The discharge tee is screwed
into the top of the pump housing and has a
plug at the top which can be used for pump
priming. The tee provides two discharge con-
nections, each spaced 45 degrees from the cen-
Figure 33. Hoses and fittings, removal and
terline of the pump, extending away from the
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