![]() TM
(b) Clean all carbon out of the insert
6-14. Crankcase
counterbore in the cylinder block, and clean
a. Removal.
the valve stem guide bore.
(1) Remove the valves (para 6-4).
(c) Finish the counterbore in the cylin-
(2) Remove the engine base and oil pump
der block to provide the correct bore-to-insert
clearance. Chill the insert with dry ice and,
(3) Remove the piston and connecting rod
using a pilot driver, tap the insert into place
with light blows.
(4) Remove the crankshaft (para 6-10).
(d) Reface the insert, if necessary, to
(5) Remove the camshaft and governor
make it's seat concentric with the valve stem
bore. Check concentricity with a dial indicator.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(e) Grind valve in seat to form a gas-
(1) Clean the crankcase with approved
tight seal.
cleaning solvent; dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect the cylinder bore for cracks,
Note. Grind valve stem for proper valve tappet
clearance; refer to table, 4-1.
warping, worn or scored cylinder walls, broken
cooling fins, worn or damaged threads, and
(5) Check the carburetor mounting studs
o t h e r damage.
for damaged threads, distortion, and looseness.
(3) Check the fit of the valves in the
C. Installation.
valve guides. If it is not within the tolerances
(1) Install the camshaft and governor
listed in table 4-1, drive out the valve guides
and replace them with new guides as shown
(2) Install the crankshaft (para 6-10).
in figure 6-10.
(3) Install the piston and connecting rod
(4) Check the exhaust valve seat insert
for distortion, cracks, looseness, and pitting.
(4) Install the engine base and oil pump
If necessary, replace the insert as follows:
(a) Use a puller to remove the insert
from the exhaust valve openning.
(5) Install the valves (para 6-4).
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