![]() TM 10-4320-202-15
cleaning solvent. Dry all parts thoroughly with
6 - 3 . General
a clean lint free cloth or low pressure air.
a. Operation. The engine uses a convention-
(2) Inspect valve faces and valve seats
al valve-in-block arrangement. Valves are held
for burns, pits, cracks, scratches or other dam-
on their seats by the valve springs. The valve
age to sealing surfaces.
is moved off it's seat by the force transmitted
(3) Measure valve stem-to-guide clear-
from a raising cam lobe on the rotating cam
ance, refer to table 4-1.
shaft through the tappet to the valve stem
(4) Inspect valve springs, cracks, kinks,
which overcomes the valve spring tension.
tension or other damage which may effect the
The clearance (0.008 inch intake-0.014 inch
spring's fit or function.
exhaust) between the valve stem and tappet
c. Grinding Valves.
is to insure complete seating of the valves.
The clearances are adjusted by grinding the
Note. Perform the following only if parts are found
ends of the valve stems.
(1) Grind valve seats at an angle of 45
vided with a valve rotator which causes a slight
using a valve seat grinding tool.
rotation to the exhaust valve each time it
(2) Grind valve faces at an angle of 45
operates. This helps to prevent sticking valves,
using a valve facing tool.
provides a wiping action which cleans the ex-
(3) Lap the valve faces and seats using
haust valve seat, and helps to provide even
a suitable lapping compound to insure proper
heat dissipation.
(4) Clean valve seats and faces with ap-
6-4. Valves and Valve Springs
proved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
(5) Recheck tappet clearance (para 3-41)
a. Removal and Disassembly.
and grind valve stem as required to provide
(1) Remove the engine (para 3-48),
proper clearance.
carburetor (para 327), muffler (para 337),
d. Reassembly and Installation.
cylinder head (para 340), and tappet cover
(1) Install valves and associated parts
(2) Removale and disassemble valves and
(2) Install tappet cover (para 3-41).
valve springs. Refer to figure 62.
(3) Install cylinder head (para 340).
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(4) Install muffler (para 337).
(1) Remove all carbon and gun deposits
(5) Install carburetor (para 327).
from valves, valve seats, valve guides, valve
(6) Install engine (para 348).
springs, and cylinder block top, with approved
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