![]() TM 10-4320-202-15
(2) Remove and disassemble the camshaft
6 - 1 1 . General
and governor in the numerical sequence as il-
a. Camshaft. The camshaft rides on a non-
lustrated in figure 6-9.
rotating pin in the crankcase. It is driven by
a gear on the crankshaft. The camshaft gear
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
contains twice as many teeth as the crankshaft
(1) Discard and replace expansion plugs.
gear, thus causing the camshaft to rotate at
Clean all other parts with approved cleaning
one-half the speed of the crankshaft. The cam-
solvent; dry thoroughly.
s h a f t operates the tappets which raise the
(2) Inspect the fit of the camshaft as-
valves for fuel intake and exhaust. It also oper-
sembly on the camshaft support pin. If ex-
ates the plunger which engages the oil pump
cessive play exists between parts, replace the
to maintain a full oil trough in the engine base.
pin, camshaft, or both parts.
b. Governor. The governor weights are
pinned to one end of the camshaft. AS the cam-
(3) Inspect the camshaft for cracks, worn
shaft rotates, these weights are thrown out-
or scored cam lobes, worn governor weight
ward by centrifugal force. The higher the
e a r n e r , and other damage. Inspect the cam-
speed at which the camshaft rotates, the great-
shaft gear for cracks, worn or chipped gear
er is the outward thrust of the weights. Thrust
teeth, and other damage
pins in the governor weights engage at thrust
(4) Inspect the governor thrust sleeve for
sleeve, sliding it axially on the camshaft sup-
cracks, wear, and scoring.
port pin. This movement is transferred to the
(5) Inspect the governor flyweights for
governor yoke and shaft which is connected
worn mounting holes and for worn thrust pins.
through a spring-loaded linkage to the throttle
(6) Inspect the governor yoke and shaft
lever on the carburetor. As the engine speed
for a worn shaft and yoke, bent shaft, and
increases, the centrifugal force of the fly-
w o r n or damaged threads.
weights acts against the spring-loaded linkage
(7) Inspect all other parts for cracks, dis-
to close the throttle so that the engine speed
tortion, wear, and other damage; replace all
will decrease thus maintaining a nearly con-
d a m a g e d parts.
stant engine speed under all load conditions for
any speed control lever setting.
c. Reassembly and Installation.
(1) Reassemble the camshaft and gover-
6-12. Camshaft and Governor
nor in reverse of the numerical sequence as
illustrated in figure 69.
a. Removal and Disassembly.
( 2 ) Install the crankshaft (para 6-10).
(1) Remove the crankshaft (para 6-10).
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