![]() TM 5-4320-273-14
Inspect for any
time, or if the unit has been standing idle for a con-
a. Unusual Operation and Noises.
unusual operation, such as engine overheating or
siderable length of time. Using the hand primer lever
running at below-governed speed or failure of the
(1, fig. 2-2), fill the fuel lines and the carburetor float
pump to deliver desired volume or to respond to con-
bowl and the strainer bowl. When priming, a distinct
trols. Stop operation immediately if any unusual
resistance to movement of the hand primer should be
noise is noticed.
felt, If you do not feel this resistance, turn the engine
b . G a g e R e a d i n g s . Check all gage readings
crankshaft one revolution so that the fuel pump lobe
frequently; watch particularly to see that there is no
on the camshaft is rotated out of engagement with
unusual drop in engine oil pressure and that the am-
the fuel pump cam follower to permit movement of
meter is operating within its normal range.
the fuel pump diaphragm with the lever. Assuming
c. Leaks. Inspect the entire unit for leaks, paying
the gasoline strainer is empty, about 26 strokes of the
particular attention to the suction hose fittings.
primer lever are required to fill the bowl. After the
strainer bowl is full, an additional 5 to 10 strokes are
2-7. Stopping.
required to fill the carburetor bowl. When this bowl
a. Reduce the engine speed by means of the throt-
is full, the primer lever will operate with less
tle lever and remove the load by shutting off the suc-
tion valves, Allow the engine to idle from 3 to 5
d. Pull out the throttle control (2, fig. 2-1) halfway
minutes to cool evenly and prevent warping of the
and place the ignition switch (6) in ON position.
b. Press and hold the ignition switch in the OFF
e. Pull out the choke control (1) all the way.
position until the engine stops,
f. Pull out the oil pressure safety switch plunger (7)
about 1/16 inch and engage the spring clip into the
2-8. Temporary Stop Services.
recessed underside of the housing to hold the switch
When the unit is stopped, even for short periods, you
contacts open for starting. You must reset this switch
should make a general inspection of the equipment.
each time you start the pump.
If time permits, minor deficiencies should be correct-
ed during temporary stops.
g. Depress the starter switch (5). After several
revolutions of the crankshaft, push in the choke con-
trol (1) half way. If the engine should fail to start af-
To ensure that the equipment is ready to operate
ter a few revolutions of the crankshaft, do not con-
at any time, the daily services indicated on the
tinue to crank with the starter. Use short, in-
preventive maintenance services check-list (table 3-1)
termittent starting cycles to prevent overheating of,
must be performed by the operator or crew im-
and possible damage to, the starting motor.
mediately after every operating period.
h. After the engine starts, adjust the choke so that
the engine runs smoothly. Run the engine for a few
Careful breaking in of a new engine will greatly in-
minutes to allow it to warm up and then push the
crease its life and result in trouble-free operation.
choke in all the way.
After inspecting and servicing the unit, follow the
2-5. Operation.
starting procedures and, if possible, proceed as
a. To start product flow, open the suction and
discharge valves and adjust the engine throttle (2,
a. Operate for one-half hour at 1,000 to 1,200
revolutions per minute without load.
1400 revolutions per minute. Fluid flow should be in-
b. Increase to engine operating speed for an ad-
dicated by the movement of the check valve override
ditional 2 hours without load.
handle as the check valve is pushed open.
c. If possible, operate at light loads for about 8
hours before maximum load is applied.
b. Open the discharge valves and increase the
engine speed to achieve the desired flow rate,
2-11. Performance Curve.
A composite pump performance curve (fig. 24) for
You must remain alert in order to correct or report
this pumping assembly is located under the tool box
any deficiency in performance or other signs of
cover. It indicates the pump capacities in relation to
unusual operation.
revolutions per minute and dynamic head
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