![]() TM 5-4320-273-14
The selector valve (1)
a. Prime the pump with the liquid to be pumped by
n. Fuel Source Selector Valve.
controls the source of fuel to the engine. In the OFF
closing the suction valves, removing the primer fill
position it shuts off the fuel source. In the TANK
cap (3, fig. 1-2), and filling the pump housing to the
position it connects the engine fuel system to the fuel
level of the cap. Make sure the drain valve at the bot-
supply in the fuel tank. In the AUX position it con-
tom of the housing is closed,
nects the engine fuel system to an auxiliary external
fuel supply, if connected.
o. Air Eliminator Vent Valve. The vent valve (2)
serves to vent off entrapped air during the priming
cycle and is normally left open during operation.
p. Check Valve Override Handle. The check valve
After removing the priming cap and fill-
override handle (3) adjusts to the opening and closing
ing the pump casing with the product to
of the check valve. Normally, the check valve closes
be pumped, check the snap-in gasket in
automatically when the pumping operation is discon-
the cap to be sure that it is present and
tinued; this retains enough fuel in the pump and suc-
that it is serviceable (no dents; cuts,
tion hose for priming the pump in subsequent
abrasions). Remove and replace as
operations. The check valve throttle can be manually
opened to drain the liquid back through the pump
and the suction hoses when required.
When the casing has been filled, place
q. Suction and Discharge Gate Valves. The suction
the cap on the male quick disconnect
and discharge gate valves (4 and 5), located on the
adapter and raise the cam levers on the
suction and discharge manifolds, are designed to con-
cap to the fully locked (vertical) posi-
trol the flow of fuel in the system.
Bind the cap cam levers together in the
locked position with soft wire or heavy
2-3. Before Operation Services
twine in order to eliminate any possibili-
Before operating the pump assembly, you must en-
ty of their release due to vibration. This
sure that installation instructions have been followed
procedure must be followed each time
and that inspection and servicing has been per-
the pumping assembly is primed.
formed. In addition, inspect all the suction and
discharge hoses. Ensure that each connection is
properly secured and that the hoses are in-
b. Open the
air eliminator valve (2, fig. 1-2).
dependently supported near the pump. Arrange the
C. Although
electric start engines do not require
hoses as straight as possible. Required bends should
hand priming,
it is a good practice to prime the fuel
be made with a long radius.
system if the
engine is being started for the first
2-4. Starting
Starting a dry pump may damage the
pump shaft seal.
Change 1 2 - 3
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