![]() b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(5) Support the trailer on stands high enough
(1) Use cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-680)
to permit installation of hub assemblies and wheels.
when you clean axle parts. Dry thoroughly.
Secure axle to underside of trailer with screws (3),
(2) Inspect all parts for rust, corrosion,
beveled washers (4), lock washers (2), and nuts (1).
chipped paint, and distortion. Remove rust and corro-
(6) Install hub assembly (TM 5-4320-272-12).
sion with a metal scraper and wire brush. Prime and
(7) Install wheel and tire (TM 5-4320-272-12).
paint bare surfaces.
(3) Inspect the axle for cracks, distortions, or
damaged threads. The spindle ends of the axle must be
a. Removal and Disassembly.
on the same axis. Check for damaged spring retaining
(1) Remove the pump assembly (para 4-3).
clips. Replace a damaged axle.
(2) Remove the engine (para 2-10).
(4) Inspect the bearing insert (10) for cracks,
(3) Remove the wheel and axle assemblies
distortions, or signs of wear. Replace worn bearing
(4) Remove the tool box (TM 5-4320-272-12).
(5) Inspect for cracked, distorted, or weak
(5) Remove the lifting bail (3, fig. 5-2) by
springs. Replace damaged or weak springs.
removing securing nuts (1 and 4) and lock washers (2).
c. Reassembly and Installation.
(1) Install springs (11 and 12, fig. 5-1) on axle,
KEY to fig. 5-2:
if they were removed. Rotate the spring on the axle
11. Cap screw
1. Nut
until the end is held by the axle chip.
12. Spacer
2. Lock washer
(2) While you are holding the spring against
13. Stand
3. Lifting bail
the clip, position the top bracket (8) on the opposite
4. Nut
14. Cotter pin
15. Wing nut
end of the spring. The bracket will be mounted to the
5. Pin assembly
axle in this position.
16. Clamp
6. Drawbar
(3) Install bearing insert (10) between the top
7. Pin assembly
17. Ground rod
bracket and the axle; it must be seated squarely.
18. Cable and clip assembly
8. Nut
(4) Install the base bracket (9) and secure with
19. Frame
9. Lock washer
screw (7), lock washer (6), and nut (5).
10. Washer
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