d. Protect disassembled parts from blowing sand
2-5. General
This section contains general maintenance procedures
and dust which could later cause rapid wear of the
which are the responsibility of direct support and gen-
gears, bearings, and machined surfaces.
eral support maintenance personnel. The paragraphs
2-7. Care of Bearings
contained herein describe general practices you will
find applicable to several asssermblies or components
them in a wire basket and immersing in a container of
of the pumping assembly which would otherwise have
fresh cleaning solvent. Agitate the bearings in the sol-
to be repeated in each section of the manual assigned
vent to remove all traces of old lubricant.
to those assemblies and components.
b. After the bearings are cleaned, dry them with
clean, filtered compressed air. Take care to prevent
2-6. Cleanliness
a. Take care to assure that your work area is clean
spinning the bearings when you use a compressed air
before starting to disassemble the engine or pump
immediately wrap them in lint-free paper to prevent
b. Clean the exterior of the engine or pump before
starting disassembly to prevent the dirt from entering
the entry of dust and dirt.
the bearings. Clean the exterior of engine components
with a cloth dampened with cleaning solvent (fed.
Replace seals and gaskets of all components you disas-
spec. P-D-680).
semble. The use of new gaskets and seals will greatly
c. If you clean the parts with compressed air, make
reduce the possibility of leaking and will help prevent
sure it is free from dirt and contaminants.
the entry of dust and dirt after reassembly.
(5) Disconnect the fuel lines connecting the
engine to the fuel tank.
a. Removal. Remove the centrifugal pump from
(6) Remove the cap screws (5), flat washers (6),
the engine and trailer as follows:
nuts (3), and lock washers (4) that secure the engine to
(1) Disconnect and remove the instrument
the trailer frame. Use a suitable lift to lift the engine
panel (TM 5-4320-272-12).
from the wedded frame. Take care that you support
(2) Remove the plug (11, fig. 4-1), to drain the
engine under structural members only.
b. Installation.
(3) Remove suction and discharge pipe assem-
(1) Use a lift to position the engine on the
blies (TM 5-4320-272-12).
welded frame. Take care that you support the engine
(4) Further removal procedure requires that
under structural members only. Secure the engine to
you disassemble the pump completely. Refer to para-
the welded frame with cap screws (5, fig. 3-13), flat
graph 4-3 a.
washers (6), nuts (3), and lock washer (4).
b. Installation. Refer to paragraph 4-3 c.
(2) Install the fuel lines connecting the engine
to the fuel tank.
2-10. Engine.
(3) Install and connect the oil tube (2) from the
a. Removal. Remove the engine from the cen-
engine block to the oil pressure switch and pressure
trifugal pump and welded frame as follows:
(1) Remove the centrifugal pump (para 4-3 a).
(4) With drain plug in place, you can refill the
(2) Disconnect the battery leads at the battery.
crankcase with oil; refer to TM 5-4320-272-12.
This will prevent your accidental shorting, grounding,
(5) Connect the battery leads.
or reverse-polarizing of the electrical system.
(6) Install the centrifugal pump (para 4-3 c).
(3) Remove drain plug (1, fig. 3-13) and drain
engine oil into suitable container.
a. Removal.
(4) Disconnect and remove oil tube (2, fig. 3-
(1) Hoist each end of the frame and install block-
ing under it so that the wheels just clear the ground.
sure gage.
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