![]() engine ground should indicate infinite resistance. Any
(3) Check the regulator module, which you can
distinguish from the rectifier module by the red and
other reading indicates that a short circuit exists and
black leads. Using a multimeter, all continuity checks
you must replace the stator.
shall indicate infinite resistance. Any other reading
(2) To check the rectifier module, which you can
indicates that a short circuit exists and that you must
distinguish from the regulator by the two black leads,
replace the regulator module. The multimeter probe
use a multi meter and static check continuity as fol-
connections shall be as follows:
(a) Positive probe connected to red lead.
(a) With the positive meter probe con-
Negative probe connected to engine ground.
nected to the engine ground and the negative probe
(b) Positive probe connected to engine
connected t black lead No. 1, the meter should indicate
ground. Negative probe connected to red lead.
5 to 15 ohms resistance.
(c) Positive probe connected to red lead.
(h) With the positive meter probe con-
nected to black lead No. 1 and the negative probe
Negative probe connected to black lead.
(d) Positive probe connected to black
connected to the engine ground, the resistance shall be
lead. Negative probe connected to red lead.
infinite. Any other reaing indicates that a short circuit
(e) Positive probe connected to black
exists and you must replace the rectifier.
lead. Negative probe connected to engine ground.
(c) With the positive meter probe con-
b. Removal.
nected to the engine ground and the negative probe
(1) Remove the flywheel from the engine (para
connected to black lead No 2, the resistance shall be 5
to 15 ohms.
(2) Remove the screws (3, fig. 3-2), lock wash-
(d) With the positive meter probe con-
nected to black lead No. 2 and the negative probe
ers (2), and nuts (1) securing the rectifier module (8),
regulator module (5), and shield (4). Remove the
connected to the engine ground, the resistance shall be
screws (6) securing the isolation diode (7).
infinite. Any other reading indicates that a short cir-
cuit exists and you must replace the rectifier.
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