![]() g. It is essential that you periodically check the
the choke. This floods the cylinders
engine oil pressure gage and ammeter during
with raw gasoline, which washes away
operation to assure that they remain within their
the lubricants and makes the engine
required ranges.
susceptible to wear.
To stop the engine, you press and hold the magneto
h. You can put the pump in standby condition
switch (5, fig. 2-1) until the engine stops. If the
by closing the discharge valves. However, extended
engine had been running hard and is hot, do not
pump operation with both valves tightly closed will
stop it abruptly. Instead, you should reduce the
cause the fluid in the volute to heat up and possibly
load by operating the throttle lever to reduce speed
boil. To avoid this you can leave one of the
and shut off the suction valves to remove the load.
discharge valves cracked open slightly to maintain
Allow the engine to run for 3 to 5 minutes before
a continuous flow of fluid through the pump. If this
shutting off. This will allow internal engine tem-
is not possible, shut off the pump to prevent long
peratures to decrease, minimizing the danger of
non-pumping intervals from causing excessive
valve warpage and other internal engine damage.
heating of the fluid being pumped.
2-5. Stopping
Do not stop the engine by pulling out
diminishes at higher altitudes. Make sure that the
engine is operating at peak efficiency, providing
a. You must keep the pump free of ice and snow
you with the highest possible pump output.
at all times. Cover it when not in use and, if
possible, provide some shelter from the weather.
b. Refer to LO 5-4320-272-12 to assure that the
engine lubricant is the proper grade for the coldest
increased when you are operating the pumping
conditions likely to be encountered.
assembly under conditions of extreme sand or dust.
c. Keep the fuel tank filled when the pump is not
b. While filling the fuel tank, take care to
in use. By doing this you will prevent moisture from
prevent sand and dust from entering the fuel
condensing in the fuel system. Moisture in the fuel
system. Watch the fuel strainer bowl for ac-
system can freeze and clog lines, filters, and car-
cumulations of dirt.
buretor jets, preventing fuel from reaching the
2-10. Operation Under Rainy, or Humid
d. Service the fuel filter frequently to remove any
a. Take care to prevent moisture from entering
moisture which may have collected in the fuel bowl.
the fuel system. You should fill the fuel tank im-
mediately after every operating period to prevent
a. You should protect the pump assembly from
moisture in the air from condensing and entering
direct rays of the sun if possible.
the fuel system. Maintain a careful check of the fuel
b. Allow adequate space for ventilation. If the
strainer bowl for collection of moisture.
pump is operated in an enclosure, you can use a fan
b. Take special care to prevent rust and
to circulate the air.
corrosion of exposed metal surfaces.
c. Keep the engine and shrouding clean to
provide proper heat transfer to the air.
a. Because of the corrosive action of salt water,
d. Check that the lubricants used in the engine
use fresh water to wash off any salt water that
comply with LO 5-4320-272-12.
comes in contact with the equipment. This will help
e. Although you can stop fluid flow for short
you prevent the formation of rust and corrosion.
periods, you are advised not to do so in extreme
b. Take special care to prevent rust and
heat for the fluid may boil in the volute.
corrosion of exposed metal surfaces.
The operating efficiency of both engine and pump
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