![]() Table 2-1. Controls and Instruments-Continued
revolutions of the crankshaft. If it does not, do not
2-3. Starting
continue to crank with the starter. You should use
Start the pumping assembly as follows:
starting cycles. Excessive
short, intermittent
cranking will cause the starting motor to overheat
Make sure you prime the pump before
and may damage it. However, more cranking is
attempting to start it. Starting a dry
normally necessary in cold weather than in warm.
p u m p m a y damage t h e s h a f t s e a l
i. After the engine starts, push in the choke
making seal replacement necessary.
control as necessary to provide smooth engine
a. Close the suction valves. Check that the drain
operation. When the engine is warmed up, you
valve at the bottom of the pump housing is closed.
must push in the choke all the way.
Remove the priming fill cap (fig. 1-2) and fill the
j. Run the engine at high idle speed for a few
pump housing to the level of the plug with the fluid
minutes to allow it to warm up before applying the
to be pumped.
pump load.
b. Open the air eliminator vent valve (1, fig. 2-
2-4. Operation
c. If the engine is being started for the first time,
After starting, operate the pumping assembly as
or if the unit has been standing idle for a con-
siderable length of time, you will need to prime the
fuel system, filling the fuel lines and the carburetor
to provide fluid from the required source.
float bowl. Use the hand primer lever (1, fig. 2-3).
b. Open the discharge valve (4) to direct the
When priming, a distinct resistance to movement of
fluid to the required destination.
the hand primer must be felt. If you do not feel this
turn the engine crankshaft one
increase engine speed so that the tachometer in-
revolution so that the fuel pump lobe on the
dicates approximately 1000 rpm. Pump should
camshaft is rotated out of engagement with the fuel
pick up prime within a few minutes. Fluid flow
pump cam follower to permit movement of the fuel
from the pump is indicated by movement of the
pump diaphragm with. the lever. Hand prime for
check valve override handle (2, fig. 2-2) as the
about 20 or 30 strokes. You will feel less resistance
check valve is pushed from its seat.
to hand primer lever movement when the fuel bowl
d. If prime is not made within a few minutes,
is filled.
you can increase engine speed to 1500 rpm until
prime is achieved, then reduce speed immediately
t o 1000 rpm. This will reduce shock in the
e. Pull out the choke control (11) all the way.
discharge lines as they fill up with fluid.
f. Pull out on the oil pressure safety switch
e. Watch the pump discharge pressure gage and
plunger (4) and engage the spring clip into the
regulate the discharge valve(s) to maintain the
recessed underside of the housing to hold the switch
required flow.
contacts open for starting. You must reset this
f. Increase engine speed as required. During
switch each time you start the pump.
operation, maintain an indication of at least 5
g. Press and hold the starter switch (6). The
inches on the engine vacuum gage (9, fig. 2-1). An
starting motor should crank the engine. After
indication of less than 5 inches means that the
several revolutions of the crankshaft, push in the
pump engine is overloaded. You can control the
choke control (11) half way.
pump load by regulating the discharge valves.
h. The engine should start after a few
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