![]() TM 10-4320-202-15
Caution: Avoid damage to the mating
3 - 4 0 . General
surfaces of the cylinder and cylinder head
a. Cylinder H e a d . The cylinder head is
and valve face and valve seat.
attached to the top of the cylinder by 8 bolts.
It incorporates cooling fins and a spark plug
(3) Inspect cylinder head for cracks, war-
page, broken cooling fins, damaged spark plug
mounting port.
port threads and other damage.
(4) If damage is noted which involves
have tappets which raise the valves at the re-
valves, valve seats, cylinder block, and other
quired portion of the engine operation cycle.
engine parts, report the damage to direct cup-
These tappets operate in conjunction with the
port maintenance.
eccentric cam lobes. The tappet clearance can
c. Installation.
be checked without major engine disassembly,
but cannot be adjusted without disassembly.
(1) Install cylinder head and new gasket
(2) Install fuel tank bracket (para 3-27).
341. Cylinder Head
(3) Install engine shroud (para 335).
a. Removal.
(4) Install spark plug (para 3-32).
(1) Remove the spark plug (para 3-32).
(5) Torque cylinder head bolts following
(2) Remove engine shroud (para 3-35).
sequence shown in figure 320.
(3) Remove fuel tank and bracket (para
3-42. Valve Tappets
(4) Remove cylinder head and gasket (fig.
a. COver Removal. Remove the valve tappet
cover (fig. 321).
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Remove and discard gasket.
b. Clearance C h e c k . Check valve tappet
(2) Clean the cylinder head and cylinder
clearance (fig. 322).
head bolts with approved cleaning solvent. Re-
I n s t a l l the valve
c. Cover Installation.
move carbon deposits from the combustion
tappet cover (fig. 321).
chamber, piston dome, valve seats and valves.
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