![]() TM 10-4320-202-15
Section I. MAGNETO
Clean all remaining metallic parts by immers-
6 - 1 . General
ing in approved cleaning solvent and dry
a. Operation. The magneto housing con-
tains a coil, rotor, capacitor, and a contact point
(2) Check the rotor for continuity be-
set. When the contact points open by cam
tween the coil lead and the coil clip connector
action, the discharge of the capacitor through
using a multimeter. If there is no continuity,
the coil creates a high tension spark which is
discard and replace the coil. Check for dam-
directed to the spark plug. The magneto is
aged insulation, broken leads or windings or
timed to provide the spark when the piston
other damage.
is near top-dead-center of the compression
(3) Check the rotor for cracks, damaged
threads, worn keyways, and other damage.
b. Impulse Coupling. The purpose of this
(4) Inspect the cam end bearing for scor-
device is to cause the engine-driven magneto
ing, signs of overheating, rough or binding
to produce a very intense spark for starting.
The impulse coupling retards the rotation of
( 5 ) Inspect housing and end cap for
the rotor at starting speeds, and causes the
cracks, distortion, worn or damaged threads.
rotor to snap over at the required time. This
(6) Inspect coupling spring and pawl for
snapping action causes the necessary intense
cracks, distortion, spring tension and other
(7) Inspect all other parts for cracks,
6 - 2 . Magneto
worn or damaged threads, distortion, and oth-
a. Removal and Disassembly.
er damage. Replace all damaged parts.
(1) Remove the magneto (para 3-30).
c. Reassembly and Installation.
(2) Disassemble the magneto in the nu-
(1) Reassemble the magneto in reverse
merical sequence as illustrated in figure 6-1.
order of the numerical sequence as illustrated
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
in figure 6-1.
(1) Clean the rotor, coil, housing, bear-
(2) Replace contact point set.
ing and end cap with cloth moistened with ap-
( 3 ) Install the magneto (para 3-30).
proved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
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