![]() TM 10-4320-202-15
b. Grasp the engine and pumping assembly
2-1. Unloading and/or Uncrating
by the carrying handles and lift the engine
9 1 1 7 C A and
Pumping assembly
and pumping assembly from the carrying box.
15671CA are transported in their own carry-
c. Remove the suction and discharge hoses
ing box fitted with four carrying handles to
(two each) from around the hose positioner
facilitate loading and unloading. Pumping as-
in the carrying box.
sembly model 4074CA is normally shipped in
a fabricated wooden crate. Dismantle the ship-
d. Loosen the fasteners on the nozzle bracke-
ping crate using hand tools as required. Avoid
t clamps and lift the nozzles from box covers.
damaging the pumping assembly. This model
is also equipped with four handles to aid in
2-4. Unpacking the Equipment
moving the pumping assembly short distances.
(Model 4074CA)
a. Remove top panel.
2-2. Removal of Preservatives and
b. Remove the suction and discharge hoses
Sealing Compounds
(two each) from the upper compartment.
Caution: Do not allow cleaning solvent
c. Remove nozzles and suction stub.
(Federal Specification P-S-661) to contact
the interior of the magneto. Magneto wind-
2-5. Inspection and Servicing Equipment
ings are coated with a substance that is solu-
ble in dry cleaning solvent.
a. Inspect the engine and pump for damage,
distortion, loose mounting bolts, or other visi-
Apply cleaning solvent (Federal Specification
ble damage.
PS-661) to surfaces coated with preservatives
or sealing compounds. Allow a few minutes
b. Inspect all hoses for cracks, abrasions,
for the solvent to penetrate the sealing com-
collapsed walls, loose connection, and other
pound or preservative, then wipe surfaces clean
with a clean cloth. Preservatives and sealing
c. Inspect the nozzles for cracks, distortion,
compounds have been applied to the 50 gpm
or other visible damage. Check the operating
dispenser as follows:
handle of the nozzle assemblies for proper
operation free of sticking or binding.
1. Interior of the pump and fuel tank have been
fogged with a preserving oil.
d. Inspect carrying box for cracks, dents,
2 . All openings, including seams on the tool
distortion, damaged weldments, or other ship-
box, have been coated with a sealing com-
ping damage.
pound and sealing tape.
3. All ferrous metal surfaces of tools and spare
e. Perform the required preventive mainte-
parts have been coated with a preservative.
nance services per paragraphs 3-6 and 3-7
2-3. Unpacking the Equipment (Models
2-6. Installation of Separately Packed
9117CA and 15671 CA)
a. Unlatch the two barrel bolts that secure
There are no separately packed components.
the hinged covers. Raise the covers.
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