![]() TM 10432~202-15
Section I. GENERAL
c. Numbers in parentheses following no-
1-1. Scope
menclature callouts on illustrations indicate
a. These instructions are published for use
quantity; numbers preceding nomenclature call-
by personnel to whom the 50 gpm, Flammable
outs indicate preferred sequence.
Liquid, Bulk Transfer, Pumping Assembly,
d. Report of errors, omissions and recom-
( B a r n e s Models 9117 CA, 15671CA a n d
mendations for improving this publication by
4074 CA) is issued. Chapters 1, 2 and 3 pro-
the individual user is encouraged. Reports
vide information on operation, preventive main-
should be submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recom-
tenance services, and organizational mainte-
mended Changes to DA Publications), and for-
nance of equipment, accessories, components,
warded direct to Commanding General, U.S.
and attachments. Chapters 4, 5 and 6 provide
Army Mobility Equipment Command, ATTN:
information for direct and general support and
AMSMEMPP, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St.
depot maintenance. Chapter 7 covers limited
Louis, Me., 63120.
storage and demolition procedures to prevent
the enemy from using the equipment. Also in-
e. Report all equipment improvement recom-
cluded are descriptions of main units and their
mendations as prescribed by TM 38-750.
functions in relationship to other components.
1-2. Record and Report Forms
a. DA Form 2258 (Depreservation Guide
applicable to this manual. Appendix B contains
for Vehicles and Equipment).
the maintenance allocation chart. Appendix
b. For other record and report forms appli-
cable to operator, crew, and organizational
ized the operator of this equipment. Organi-
maintenance, refer to TM 38-750.
zational, direct and general support and depot
maintenance repair parts and special tools are
Note. Applicable forms shall be kept in a canvas
listed in TM 10-4320-202-25P.
bag mounted on equipment.
and flame arrester muffler and two 1 1/2 inch
1-3. Description
a. General. T h e 50 gallons per minute,
Flammable Liquid, B u l k Transfer Pumping
b. Function. The 50 gpm dispenser is de-
Assembly, (Barnes Models 9117CA, 15671CA
signed to transfer all types of hydrocarbon to
and 4074 CA) consist of a centrifugal pump and
vehicular tanks or individual containers from
gasoline engine assembly, suction and dis-
storage tanks, railroad tank cars, and tank
charge hoses, hose fittings, suction stub, spark
trucks. It can be transported over all types of
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