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TM 55-4920-383-13&P
of visual examination and operational checks to insure that the Test Set can safely and effi-
ciently perform its assigned mission.
intermediate inspection requirements for checking the Test Set that requires verification
c. Intermediate Inspection. The intermediate inspection is a combination of daily and
of normal operation at frequencies between the daily and periodic inspections. Intermediate
inspection is accomplished every 25 to 30 hours of operation. It is intended that evidence
of progressive inefficient operation or abnormal conditions be discovered during this inspec-
tion. This will avoid a progression of discrepancies, requiring a major maintenance action
to remedy the deficiencies.
Periodic Inspection. The periodic inspection is a thorough and searching inspection
of those items subject to failure or discrepancy. Periodic inspection is accomplished every
100 to 120 hours of operation.
Special Inspection. The special inspection is a series of tests to determine the cause
o f f a i l u r e .
S p e c i a l i n s p e c t i o n s a r e
n o t r e q u i r e d a t t h e u n i t l e v e l.
The test set does not require any servicing beyond the inspection requirements contained
in paragr a p h 3 - 6 a t t h e u n i t l e v e l.
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