![]() TM 5-4930-228-24P
special tools are not required, enter statement-
( 2 ) Find the illustration covering the as-
Not applicable.
s e m b l y group to which the repair part belongs.
h. Items Authorized.
(3) Identify the nepair part on the illustra-
(1) Items authorized for use as required
t i o n and note the illustration figure and item
number of the repair part.
b u t not for initial stockage are identified witih
an asterisk in the allowance column.
( 4 ) Using the repair parts listing, find the
assembly group to which the repair part belongs
(2) This column indicates the total quantity
of special tools required for distribution and con-
a n d locate the illustration figure and item num-
ber noted on the illustration.
t i n g e n c y planning purposes. When special tools
a r e not required, enter lstatement-Not applica-
b. When the Federal stock number or refer-
ence number is known:
(1) Using the Index of Federal Stock Num-
i . Depot Maintenance A l l o w a n c e P e r 1 0 0
b e r s and Reference Numbers find the pertinent
Federal stock number or reference number. This
( 1 ) Items authorized for use as required
index is in ascending FSN sequence followed by
b u t not for initial stockage are identified with
a list of reference numbers in alpha-numeric se-
an asterisk in the allowance column.
quence, cross-referenced to the illustration figure
( 2 ) This column indicates the total quan-
number and item number.
tity of special tools authorized for depot mainte-
( 2 ) Using the repair parts listing, find the
nance of 100 equipments-Not applicable.
assembly group of the repair part and the illus-
j . Illustration. This column is divided as fol-
t r a t i o n figure number and item number refer-
e n c e d in the Index of Federal Stock Numbers
(1) Figure number. Indicates the figure
a n d Reference Numbers.
n u m b e r of the illustration on which the item is
c. When the Federal stock number or refer-
ence number is known and the repair part is not
(2) Item number. Indicates the callout num-
ber used to reference the item on the illustration.
(1) Using the Index of Federal Stock Num-
b e r s and Reference Numbers find the pertinent
Federal stock number or reference number, Parts
which are not illustrated will reference to a fig-
a. Parts which require manufacture or assem-
u r e number but will not show an item number.
b l y of a maintenance level higher than that au-
T h i s section is in ascending FSN sequence fol-
thorized for installation will indicate in the source
l o w e d by a list of reference numbers in alpha-
column the higher maintenance level.
numeric sequence cross-referenced to the figures.
b. The following publications pertain to the
( 2 ) Using the Table of Contents, locate the
tank and pump unit and its components:
figure number and page number.
(3) Using the applicable figure and page
n u m b e r , locate the pertinent stock number or
r e f e r e n c e number in the Repair Parts Listing.
c. The same illustrations are used to illustrate
6. Abbreviations
the repair parts and special tools llisted in both
o r g a n i z a t i o n a l maintenance section and direct
a n d general support and depot maintenance sec-
a. When the Federal stock number or refer-
ence number is unknown:
( 1 ) Using the table of contents, determine
the assembly group witihin which the repair part
belongs. This is necessary since illustrations are
p r e p a r e d for assembly groups, and listings are
divided into the same groups.
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