![]() TM 5-4930-228-24P
b. Federal Stock Number. Indicates the Fed-
eral stock number assigned to the item and will
be used for requisitioning purposes.
c. Description. Indicates the Federal item name
a n d any additional description of the items re-
quired. Assembly components and subassemblies
(2) Maintenance code. Indicates the lowest
a r e indented under major assemblies. The ab-
l e v e l of maintenance authorized to install the
b r e v i a t i o n "w/e" when used as part of the no-
l i s t e d litem. Repair parts and special tools as-
m e n c l a t u r e , indicates the Federal stock number,
signed maintenance code "C" may be stocked at
i n c l u d e s all armament, equipment, accessories,
t h e operator level maintenance when authorized
a n d repair parts issued with the item. A part
b y the unit commander. The maintenance level
n u m b e r or other reference number is followed
codes are:
by the applicable five-digit Federal supply code
f o r manufacturers in parenthesis. Repair parts
quantities included in kits and sets are shown in
front of the repair part name. Material required
f o r manufacture or fabrication is identified.
d. Unit of Measure (U/M). A t w o - c h a r a c t e r
alphabetic abbreviation indicating the amount or
q u a n t i t y of the item, as used, upon which the
(3) Recoverability code. Indicates whether
allowances are based, e.g., ft., ea., pr., etc.
u n s e r v i c e a b l e items should be returned for re-
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. Indicates the
c o v e r y or salvage. Items not coded are expend-
quantity of the item used in the assembly group.
able. Recoverability codes are:
A "V" appearing in this column in lieu of a quan-
tity indicates tihat a definite quantity cannot be
indicated, (e.g., shims, spacers, etc.).
f. Fifteen-Day Organizational Maintenance.
(1) Items authorized for use as required but
n o t for initial stockage are identified with an
asterisk in the allowance column.
(2) The allowance columns are divided into
four subcolumns. Indicated in each subcolumn is
the total quantity of special tools authorized for
the number of equipments supported. When spe-
cial tools are not required, enter statement-
Not applicable.
g. Thirty-Day DS/GS Maintenance Allowance.
(1) Items authorized for use as required
b u t not for initial stockage are identified with
an asterisk in the allowance column.
(2) The allowance columns are divided into
three subcolumns. The quantitative allowance of
s p e c i a l tools for DS/GS levels of maintenance
will represent initial stockage for a 30-day period
f o r the number of equipments supported. When
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