![]() TM 5-4320-273-14
a. Keep lubricants in closed containers and store
in a clean, dry place away from external heat. Allow
no dust, dirt or other foreign material to mix with the
6. Store lubrication equipment in a place where it
will be safe from damage. Clean the equipment
before and after use.
c. Keep all external parts not requiring lubrication
free of lubricants. Wipe all lubrication points free of
dirt and grease before lubricating, and clean all
lubrication points after you lubricate them to
prevent accumulation of dirt.
operating under unusual conditions. You generally
have to change the oil more frequently than normal
under cold weather operation conditions because con-
tamination by fuel dilution and sludge formation will
increase under dusty and sandy conditions because
contamination by foreign matter increases.
Engine crankcase lubrication consists mainly of
changing the oil in the crankcase and servicing the
oil filter (LO 5-4320-273-12). Proceed as follows:
a. Run the engine long enough to heat it to
operating temperature. The warm oil will drain from
the internal engine parts much more rapidly than
cold oil and also will carry more dirt and sludge with
it as it drains.
6. Place a suitable container under the engine
drain port before you remove the oil pan drain plug
Figure 3-2 Engine lubrication.
(3, fig. 3-2). Allow the oil to drain fully.
must use the engine oil required for the particular
c. If engine is operated under extreme dusty or
temperature range which will be encountered, Refer
sandy conditions, you should replace the filter
to LO 5-4320-273-12.
element at every oil change.
f. Check the oil level on the oil level dipstick (4, fig.
d. Install the plug in the drain port.
level to be low, add enough oil through the oil filler
engine oil filler tube and pour 6 quarts (5.7 1) of
tube to bring the oil up to the proper level, Take care
engine oil into the engine, 5 quarts (4,7 1) for the
not to overfill.
crankcase and 1 quart (0.95 1) for the oil filter. You
for correction and shall be made as soon as operation
3-4. General.
has ceased. If a deficiency is noted during operation
Preventive maintenance checks and services are
which would damage the equipment if operation
necessary to ensure that the pumping assembly is
were continued, stop operation immediately. You
ready for operation at all times. You must inspect the
shall record all deficiencies together with the correc-
assembly systematically so that any defects may be
tive action taken on DA Form 2404 (Equipment In-
discovered and corrected before they result in serious
spection and Maintenance Worksheet),
damage or failure.
should perform before, during, and after operation of
a. The preventive maintenance services to be per-
the pumping assembly and the approximate work
formed by you are listed in table 3-1 Defects
time required in tenths of man-hours.
discovered during operation of the unit shall be noted
Change 2 3-3
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