![]() b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(5) Inspect the female disc (11) and male disc
(1) Discard and replace the valve packing set
(12) for cracks and for scoring of the seating area.
(6, fig. 4-18) and the gasket (10).
Replace damaged parts.
(6) Replace all parts damaged beyond repair.
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated area.
c. Reassembly and Installation.
Avoid inhalation of solvent fumes and
(1) Reassemble the gate valve in the reverse
prolonged exposure of the skin to
order of disassembly. Refer to figure 4-18.
cleaning solvent. Wash exposed skin
(2) Install the gate valve according to either
figure 4-16 or 4-17.
(2) Clean all remaining parts with cleaning
(3) After reassembly and installation, start the
solvent (fed. spec. P-D-680); dry thoroughly with
centrifugal pump and check for leaks. Correct any
compressed air.
leaks before you restore the pumping assembly to
(3) Inspect the valve bonnet (9) and body
(15) fox cracks, damaged threads and flanges.
Inspect the stem threads of the bonnet for wear and
a. Adjustment. You can adjust the check valve
damage. Inspect the seat rings in the body. You can
for manual or automatic closing as follows:
repair minor damage to seat rings with a fine emery
(1) Loosen cap screws (10 and 11, fig. 4-19)
cloth. You must remove stock evenly to prevent
to permit spring bracket (14) adjustment.
(4) Inspect the disc stem (13) and valve stem
(14) for distortion and damaged threads.
15. Cotter pin
22. Setscrew
1. Spring
23. Key
16. Nut
2. Cap screw
9. Key
24. Valve arm
10. Cap screw
17. Shoulder bolt
3. Cap screw
11. Cap screw
25. Packing ring
18. Valve disc
4. Lock washer
26. Pipe plug
12. Lock washer
19. Pipe plug
5. Flat washer
27. Stud
13. Flat washer
20. Packing nut
6. Spacer
28. Body
14. Spring bracket
21. Shaft
7. Handle
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