![]() cylinder firing position of the magneto. Insert the
(2) Remove the spark plug from the number 1
ignition cable into the number 1 tower terminal as
cylinder. The firing order is marked on the
marked on the magneto end cap. Mount the
shrouding. Put your thumb over the spark plug
magneto in a vise thoroughly lined with soit cloths.
hole and crank the engine until the cylinder starts
Turn the magneto gear in a clockwise rotation,
on the compression stroke. This is indicated by air
tripping the impulse coupling, until the number 1
being compressed against your thumb as the piston
rises in the cylinder.
terminal sparks, then hold the gear in this position.
( 3 ) To set the piston on top-dead-center,
(6) Remove the magneto from the vise.
Mount the magneto and gasket (20, fig. 4-9) on the
continue cranking the engine until the DC mark on
engine, meshing the gears so that when the magneto
the flywheel is alined with the timing mark on the
is in place, the gear tooth marked with an X will be
shroud. The edge of the X-marked vane will also be
visible through the lower half of the inspection hole
alined with the timing mark. Hold the engine at this
in the gear cover. Refer to figure 4-10. Moderately
tighten the securing cap screw (6, fig. 4-9), lock
(4) Disconnect the oil line and remove the
washers (15, 17, and 19) and nuts (14 and 18).
pipe elbow from the gear cover at the magneto
Connect the spark plug cables.
mounting flange.
(7) Start the engine and idle it at 1400 50
(5) With the magneto still removed from the
rpm. If the engine fails to start, it is probable due to
engine, you must now determine the number 1
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