![]() (1) Disassemble magneto as you would to
(2) Disconnect the ground switch lead (10)
remove breaker points; refer to subparagraph b
from the capacitor (25). Remove the capacitor and
above, steps (1) through (3).
preformed packing (26) from the end cap
(2) Remove distributor rotor (29) from
Discard both the capacitor and
distributor gear assembly.
preformed packing.
( 3 ) Remove the distributor block (28) by
( 3 ) Remove the screws (33 and 35), flat
removing four screws (27) securing block to the end
washer (34), and retaining ring (32) that secure the
breaker point assembly (37) and cam wick (36) to
e. Cleaning and Inspection.
the bearing support. Remove the breaker point
Clean all parts in a well-ventilated area.
(4) Inspect the breaker points for evidence of
A v o i d inhalation of solvent fumes and
pitting or pyramiding. You can use a small tungsten
prolonged e x p o s u r e o f t h e s k i n t o
file or fine stone to resurface the points. You must
cleaning solvent. Wash exposed skin
replace badly worn or pitted points.
(5) Install new or resurfaced breaker point
(1) If a repair kit is available and is being
assembly on bearing support, using the screws (33
installed, discard all removed parts which have
and 35), flat washer (34), and retaining ring (32).
replacements in the kit. Clean the loose metallic
Leave the mounting screws just loose enough to
parts with cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-680);
permit adjustment. Be sure you install the cam
dry thoroughly. Clean the remaining parts with ac
wick (36).
cloth dampened lightly with solvent. You must take
(6) Rotate the engine by hand to locate the
care not to saturate the coil in the magneto housing.
breaker arm on the high point of the cam. Using a
(2) Inspect the end cap for cracks, burned
feeler gage, set the breaker point at maximum
terminals, signs of arcing, and other damage.
opening of 0.015 inch. Make the adjustment with a
( 3 ) Rotate the rotor shaft and check for
screwdriver inserted into the slot at the bottom of
binding or rough operation. Check for play between
the contact plate, and pivoting between the two
the shaft and bearings. Replace the magneto if
small bosses on the bearing support. Hold the parts
more than just perceptible play exists.
in place while you tighten the mounting screws.
(4) Inspect the magneto gear (41) for worn,
Make a final check of the breaker point gap to be
cracked, or broken teeth.
sure you have maintained the correct adjustment.
(5) Inspect the magneto housing for cracks,
(7) If the cam is dry, coat it with a light coat
distortion, and damaged threads. Check that the
of grease.
coil is firmly wedged in the frame. Check the coil
(8) Before you reinstall the end cap, clean the
for damaged insulation, gouges, and other damage.
contact surfaces between the cap and the housing.
(6) If you find parts damaged that are not
Using a new gasket (24), mount the end cap on the
i n c l u d e d in the repair kit, replace with a new
housing. Make sure the high tension lead (39) and
magneto assembly.
insulator (38) are properly installed before securing
f. Reassembly. During reassembly, install all of
cap. Secure end cap to housing with screws (21 and
the new parts that are contained in your repair kit,
22). Make sure the ground strap (13) is mounted to
to replace the parts which were removed from the
the magneto by screw (22).
magneto. Reassembly is essentially the reverse of
(9) Install new capacitor (25) and preformed
disassembly. Refer to figure 4-9. Note the
packing (26).
c. Removal. Remove the magneto for servicing
(1) Before you install the end cap, make sure
or replacement as follows:
the high tension lead (39) is properly installed in
(1) Disconnect the shielded spark plug cables
the distributor block and in the receptacle in the
( 4 , 5, 6, and 7, fig. 4-9) from the magneto.
D i s c o n n e c t the ground switch lead (10) and
(2) Install and adjust the breaker point
disconnect ground strap (13) by removing screw
a s s e m b l y (37) as directed in subparagraph b
(11) and lock washer (12).
(2) Remove the cap screw (16), lock washers
g. Installation and Magneto Timing. Timing the
(15 and 17), and nut (14). Remove nut (18) and
magneto to the engine is a critical step of in-
l o c k washer (19). Now you can withdraw the
stallation procedure. Install and time the magneto
magneto and gasket (20) from the gear housing.
as follows:
d. Disassembly. Disassemble the magneto only
(1) Remove the screen over the flywheel air
far enough for you to install the parts included in
intake opening by removing the screws holding the
the major repair kit, following the sequence in-
screen in place. This will expose the timing marks
dicated in figure 4-9. Pay particular attention to the
on the flywheel and shroud. Refer to figure 4-10.
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