trailer stand (fig. 1-1) to provide a rest for the
pump. You can prevent the pump from moving
a. Before you install the pumping assembly,
during operation by blocking the wheels securely.
inspect the equipment as follows:
b. Using a 4 inch hose, connect the fluid source
( 1 ) Inspect for cracks, dents, and other
to one of the suction couplings of the suction pipe
damage that may have occurred during shipment.
assembly. If the fluid is to be taken from alternate
(2) Inspect for loose or missing hardware.
sources, connect the second source of supply to the
Tighten all loose hardware.
second suction coupling.
(3) Check the engine for leaking.
c. Keep the suction line as short as possible and
(4) Inspect the suction and discharge piping
the suction lift as low as possible.
for cracks, damaged valves, and other damage.
d. The suction line should be installed with as
(5) Remove the tape from all engine and
few bends as possible.
pump openings that have been sealed.
e. The highest point in the suction line should be
(6) Using the engine crank, turn over the
at the pump, and the line should be laid in a decline
engine. You should trip oil pressure switch to keep
from the pump to the source.
engine from starting. The engine and pump shall
f. Make sure that your connections in the suction
turn freely without binding or scraping or other
line are air-tight. Even a small leak will greatly
signs of faulty operation.
reduce pumping efficiency and may cause difficulty
(7) Inspect the control panel (fig. 1-1) for
in priming, especially when your pump is operating
damaged controls and instruments.
with a high suction lift.
(8) Report any damage to your supervisor.
g. Connect the discharge hose to one of the
b. Servicing the pump consists of the following
couplings of the discharge pipe assembly. If fluid is
to be supplied to alternate locations, connect a
(1) If you are preparing the pumping
discharge hose to the second discharge coupling.
assembly for initial use, open the container of
electrolyte and fill the dry charge battery so that the
side of the pump trailer. Drive the ground rods into
electrolyte is up to the required level. If possible
the ground adjacent to the pump. Connect the
charge the battery for 10 or 15 minutes before
ground cable and clip assemblies between the pump
connecting and applying the starting load. Refer to
and ground rod to assure good ground connections.
i. Close the suction valves. Check that the drain
Make sure you have securely connected the battery.
valve (fig. 1-1 ) at the bottom of the pump housing
Note that the electrical system has a negative
is closed. To prime the pump, remove the primer
fill cap (fig. 1-2) and fill the pump housing to the
level of the port with the fluid to be pumped.
Do not smoke or use an oven flame in
j. If fuel for the engine is to be provided from an
the vicinity when servicing the battery.
alternate, external source, connect the external line
Batteries generate hydrogen gas, which
to the port on the fuel source selector valve (6, fig.
is highly explosive.
2-2) on the fuel tank. Operate the fuel valve to the
(2) Fill the fuel tank (fig. 1-1) with gasoline.
AUX position.
Fuel tank capacity is 20 gallons.
4-2. Installation
Do not operate the pumping unit in an
enclosed area unless exhaust gases are
a. Locate the pump assembly on a solid, flat
piped to the outside. Inhalation of
surface as close to the source of fluid as practicable
exhaust fumes will result in serious
to minimize the suction lift. You should allow
illness or death. I f the pumping
ample room around the pump to support the
assembly is operated indoors, you must
suction and discharge hoses and to service the
provide piping to carry exhaust gases to
pump as required. Before the pump is disengaged
the outside of the building. Make sure
from the towing vehicle, pull down and pin the
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