![]() b. A 4 i n c h s u c t i o n p i p e a s s e m b l y c o n s i s t i n g
c. T h e e n g i n e i s a V - t y p e , f o u r - c y l i n d e r , a i r -
primarily of a strainer, manifold, and two gate
c o o l e d , pressure-lubricated, four-stroke-cycle unit
valves, is secured to the front of the pump body. A 4
with an L-head. Engine speed is controlled by the
i n c h discharge pipe assembly, consisting primarily
i n t e r - o p e r a t i o n of a governor and carburetor. The
o f air eliminator, check valve, manifold, and two
engine is cooled by a flow of air, circulated over the
gate valves, is secured to the top of the pump body.
heads by a combination fan-flywheel enclosed in a
T h e coupling joins the engine crankcase with the
s h e e t metal shroud. The engine uses an electrical
p u m p body, providing correct spacing and proper
s t a r t i n g motor, has magneto ignition, and uses a
a l i n e m e n t of the parts. The impeller is threaded
f l y w h e e l alternator to maintain the charge of the
onto the engine crankshaft and held secure by the
d. The engine and pump are secured to a two-
o p p o s i n g rotation of the engine. The impeller is
enclosed in a close-fitting volute to provide efficient
wheeled welded frame. The frame weldment
p u m p i n g operation. Replaceable wear plates at the
c o n s i s t s primarily of a drawbar, fixed axle, hub
front and rear of the impeller take most of the
assemblies, and pneumatic tires.
internal pump wear.
e. T h e m a i n t e n a n c e p a r a g r a p h s o f t h i s m a n u a l
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