(3) If the strainer element (3) is con-
taminated, replace it with a new one.
(4) Position the gasket (4) and fuel bowl (2)
on the fuel strainer housing (5). Swing the bail (1)
into position and tighten the bail nut to hold the
bowl in place.
(5) After you h a v e reinstalled the fuel
strainer, open the fuel selector valve and check for
leaks. Correct any leaks.
Operator/crew maintenance of the electrical
system consists primarily of servicing the battery.
Keep battery filled to the required level with
distilled water. Keep the top of the battery and the
battery terminals clean. To protect the terminals
from corrosion, you can coat them with a light
application of vaseline or GAA lubricant.
Operator / crew maintenance of wheels consists
primarily of servicing the tires, as follows:
a. Clean tires and wheels with fresh, clean water.
b. Remove foreign material embedded in the
tires. If you remove nails or other penetrating
objects, be sure to inspect for puncture of the tube.
c. Inspect wheels and rims for damage. Inspect
tires for cracks, deep cuts, or separated tread.
d. Keep tires inflated to 60 psi.
e. R e p o r t
any defects or damage to
organizational maintenance personnel.
Service the suction strainer as follows:
1. Bail
4. Gakset
screw (1) and loosen the setscrew to release the
5. Fuel strainer housing
2. Fuel bowl
clamp (3). Now you can disengage the clamp from
3. Strainer element
the housing and remove the cover (4) and gasket
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