A discharge indication of the ammeter may be caused
b. Remove the spark plug from the cylinder at
by a faulty alternator, faulty regulator setting, or a
which compression is to be tested.
shorted or grounded lead.
c. Insert the end of the compression testing gage
into the spark plug hole and hold it there.
e. With the engine at full throttle, partially close the
d. With the battery disconnect switch and the
valve in the discharge line (if one is provided) so that
ignition switch in the ON positions, press and hold the
the indication on the discharge pressure gage is
starter pushbutton long enough to provide about five
approximately 90 psi. With the engine operating at this
compression strokes at the cylinder being tested. Note
loaded condition, check for visible and audible signs of
the indicated compression.
improper operation. Check for excessive smoke from
e. Repeat the procedure at the remaining five
the exhaust system or from the engine breather system.
Check for knocks, misfiring, excessive valve tappet
f. Check the noted compression readings. The
noise, backfiring or other signs of faulty operation.
readings should be fairly consistent for the six cylinders.
Check that the engine maintains governed speed at full
If one or more cylinders indicate obviously lower
compression, check further to isolate the trouble.
f. If the engine fails to operate properly, and
g. Pour one teaspoonful of engine oil into the low
correction of the trouble is not within the scope of
compression cylinder and recheck compression. A
organizational maintenance, report it to direct support
continued low reading indicates a sticking or improperly
maintenance. A compression test, as described in
seating valve. If the reading now approaches normal, it
indicates faulty piston rings, scored cylinder walls, or
worn pistons.
h. A sticking valve can sometimes be freed by
4-51. Engine Compression Test
adding a valve lubricant to the engine oil and running
the engine. Report erratic engine compression to direct
a. Ground the primary of the magneto to prevent
support maintenance.
the engine from starting.
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