![]() tortion, and worn mounting holes; replace a damaged
drive plate.
(3) Remove the setscrew (3) that secures the
coupling half (7) to the pump shaft; remove the coupling
half and key.
(6) Inspect all other parts for cracks, distortion, and
(4) Remove the lock wire (4) and the
other damage; replace damaged parts.
retaining ring (5) that secure the collar (6) to the
coupling half; remove the collar.
c. Reassembly and Installation.
(5) Remove the cap screws (8) and lock
washers (9) that secure the drive plate (12) to the
(1) Position the coupling half (13, fig. 440)
engine flywheel; remove the assembled coupling half
on the drive plate (12); secure with six cap screws (10)
(13) and drive plate.
and lock washers (11).
(2) Position the assembled drive plate and
(6) Remove the cap screws (10) and lock
coupling half on the engine flywheel; secure with eight
washers (11) that secure the coupling half (13) to the
cap screws (8) and lock washers (9).
drive plate (12); remove the coupling half.
(3) Position the collar (6) on the coupling half
(7); secure with the retaining ring (5). Make sure the
retaining ring is fully seated in the ring groove and install
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
the lock wire (4) in the retaining ring.
(4) Position the assembled coupling half (7)
(1) Clean the six cushions by wiping them
and collar (6) on the end of the pump shaft so that the
with a clean, dry cloth.
keyway engages the key on the shaft. Secure with the
(2) Wash all remaining parts with cleaning
setscrew (3).
solvent (fed. spec. P-D-680) ; dry thoroughly.
(5) Install three cushions (2) on each coupling
(3) Inspect the cushions for cracks, wear,
half; secure each with a sleeve (1).
brittleness, and deterioration; replace damaged
(6) Install the pump on the engine and skid
(4) Inspect the coupling halves for cracks,
worn teeth, worn bores, damaged threads, and other
damage; replace damaged coupling halves.
(5) Inspect the drive plate for cracks, dis-
4-49. General
between 180 and 200 F.
Failure to reach this
Engine testing at organizational maintenance level
temperature indicates that the thermostat is faulty.
includes an operational test and a cylinder compression
Temperatures above this range indicate either a faulty
check. Close observation of the engine while operating
thermostat, clogged or dirty radiator, scale buildup in the
under load plus a compression check which indicates
block or head, damaged water pump, improper ignition
the condition of the valves, piston rings, and pistons, will
timing, or a faulty lubrication system which is allowing
provide fairly comprehensive information regarding the
excessive friction in the interior of the engine.
condition of the engine. This can be accomplished
without the use of any specialized tools other than a
c. Check the oil pressure on the oil pressure gage.
compression gage.
Perform all daily preventive
At governed speed, the oil pressure must be between 20
maintenance services before testing the engine.
and 30 psi. Low oil pressure indicates low engine oil
level, clogged screen on the engine lube oil pressure
4-50. Engine Operational Test
pump, faulty lube oil pump, or improper setting of the oil
Caution: Make sure pump is primed before starting
pressure relief valve. High oil pressure indicates a
engine. Running pump dry may damage shaft seal.
clogged oil passage or an improperly adjusted oil
Refer to paragraph 2-8a(2).
pressure relief valve.
d. Check the indication of the ammeter. After an
a. Start the engine. The engine starter should turn
initial high charge rate, the ammeter must remain close
over the engine freely and easily. The engine must start
to the midposition, just slightly to the charge side. A
without excessive cranking.
Run the engine long
high charge rate indicates a faulty battery, shorted or
enough to warm it to operating temperature.
grounded connection, high resistance connection, or a
b. Check the operating temperature on the engine
faulty regulator setting.
coolant temperature gage.
It must stabilize
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