![]() tor in the primary circuit speeds the collapse of the
(4) Inspect the electrodes for severe burning,
circuit, increasing the secondary voltage and also
cracks, and other damage. If it is necessary to reuse
reducing contact point burning.
the plugs, correct the contact gap to 0.025 inch.
d. The voltage induced in the secondary coil is
(5) Replace any spark plugs whose condition
applied to the spark plug of the required cylinder at the
is doubtful.
exact correct instant by the distributor rotor in the
c. Installation.
magneto. The breaker points open at the required
(1) Make sure all spark plugs are gapped to
instant to assure a hot spark to the spark plug at this
0.025 inch before installation.
time. The spark at the spark plug causes the ignition of
(2) Install the spark plugs, using a socket and
the fuel-air mixture in the cylinder.
torque wrench. Tighten the spark plugs to 35 foot-
e. At starting, an impulse coupling on the magneto
pounds torque.
causes a snapping action of the magneto rotor to
(3) Install the shielded spark plug cables on
produce the rapid rotation necessary to energize the
the spark plugs.
Make sure the leads are not
electrical windings. This retards the rotation of the
interchanged. Refer to figure 4-22 to assure proper
magneto rotor at slow speeds until top-dead-center is
magneto-to-spark plug wiring if spark plug connection is
reached. Spring action then snaps the rotor forward to
produce the required snap.
4-34. Magneto
f. The magneto also contains automatic spark
a. Removal.
advance provisions so that the spark will occur sooner
(1) Disconnect the shielded spark plug cables
during high speed operation. This is necessary for
from the magneto. Disconnect the primary lead to the
smooth engine performance. The automatic spark
advance rotor has pawls which are thrown outward as
engine speed increases to change the relationship of the
(2) Remove the lower cap screw (19, fig. 4-
distributor rotor in the magneto.
that secure the bottom of the magneto to the engine
4-33. Spark Plugs
front plate. Remove the nut (16) and lock washer (17)
a. Removal.
from the bolt (33, fig. 4-11) that secures the ground
(1) Use compressed air to blow dirt away
strap (18, fig. 4-21), the top of the magneto, and the top
from the spark plugs before removing them. This will
of the engine speed governor to the gear cover; remove
prevent the dirt from entering the cylinder as the spark
the magneto (23), gasket (24), and spacer (25).
plug is removed.
b. Replacing and Adjusting Breaker Point
(2) Disconnect the shielded spark plug cables
from the spark plugs (13, fig. 4-21) and remove the
(1) Remove the screws (1 and 2, fig. 4-23)
spark plugs, using a socket wrench.
and lock washers (3) that secure the distributor housing
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(7) to the magneto frame. Pull the distributor housing
away from the frame far enough to disconnect the
It is normally more economical to
capacitor lead from the terminal on the breaker point
replace the spark plugs than to clean
assembly. Remove the distributor housing. Remove
and regap them. It also provides
and discard the distributor housing gasket (6).
greater assurance that there are no
(2) Use a spanner wrench to remove the
hidden cracks in the ceramic
capacitor (4) from the distributor housing and remove
insulators which could cause engine
the preformed packing (5). Discard both parts.
misfiring at high engine speeds.
(3) Remove the nut that secures the coil lead
Cleaning and inspection instructions
to the breaker point assembly (14) and disconnect the
are given here in case it is necessary
to reuse the removed plugs.
(4) Remove the two screws (10 and 11), lock
(1) Wipe the exterior of the spark plugs with a
washers (12), and flat washer (13) that secure the
cloth dampened with cleaning solvent (fed. spec. P-D-
breaker point assembly to the rotor bearing plate (28);
680); dry thoroughly.
remove the breaker point assembly.
(2) Check the ceramic insulator for cracks,
porosity, and other damage.
(3) If the electrodes of the spark plugs are not
too badly burned, remove the scale and other deposits
from them. This can be done by a sandblast-type
cleaner or with a contact file.
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