![]() (4) Use a rope sling and support the weight of
the radiator with a hoist before removing the nuts (12)
and lock washers (13) that secure the radiator (20) to
the engine support; remove the radiator.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Thoroughly flush the radiator with water,
both inside and out. Make sure all bugs and debris are
removed from the cooling fins.
(2) Inspect the radiator for cracks, damaged
cooling fins, leaking tubes, leaks around the top bonnet,
and other damage. Refer a damaged radiator to direct
support maintenance for repair.
(3) Inspect the fan guard and fan shroud for
cracks, broken weldments, distortion, and other
damage. Replace damaged parts.
c. Installation.
(1) Installation is the reverse of the removal
procedure. Refer to figure 4-20.
(2) Install the coolant and oil cooler lines and
fittings (para 4-29).
(3) Install the engine housing panels that
were removed to provide access to the radiator (para 4-
(4) Service the engine coolant system end
the engine oil system. Start the engine and check for
leaks. Correct any deficiencies.
1. Cap screw
11. Fan shroud
2. Flat washer
12. Nut
3. Fan guard
13. Lock washer
4. Machine screw
14. Liner
5. Lock washer
15. Nut
6. Radiator support
16. Lock washer
7. Radiator support
17. Crank support
8. Machine screw
18. Spacer
9. Lock washer
19. Radiator cap
10. Flat washer
20. Radiator
Figure 4-20. Radiator and related parts, exploded
delivered to each spark plug. An improperly timed
4-32. Description
magneto will make engine operation impossible.
a. The ignition system includes the magneto (11,
c. The magneto consists of a magneto rotor which
have shielded cables (5). The system is completely
is rotated in a laminated frame to set up magnetic flux in
independent of the battery- and alternator-powered
the laminated frame. This induces a current in the
electrical system.
primary winding each time the magnetic flux rises and
falls. The primary winding acts as the primary winding
b. The magneto is timed t) the engine and is
of a step-up transformer, surrounded by the secondary
driven by the camshaft gear through the governor drive
coil. Breaker point opening occurs at the instant of
gear which is engaged by the drive lugs on the magneto
maximum primary current, causing an immediate
drive coupling. There is a critical timing relationship
collapse of the magnetic field. This collapsing magnetic
between these driving parts since it determines the
field induces an extremely high voltage surge through
instant at which the spark from the magneto will be
the secondary circuit. The capaci-
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