4-16. Replacement of Suppression Components
4-15. General Methods Used To Attain Proper
This equipment uses no primary radio suppression
components. Replace the secondary radio suppression
Essentially, suppression is attained by providing a
components as follows:
low resistance path to ground for stray currents. The
methods used include shielding the ignition and high
a. Replace the shielded spark plug cables as
directed in paragraph 4-33.
b. Replace the magneto ground strap as directed
4-17. Description
a. Service.
(1) Stop the engine (para 2-9).
(2) Loosen the wing bolt on the clamp
mounted on the end of the engine housing opposite the
assembly (1, fig. 4-4) and remove the assembled dust
radiator. It is a dry-type unit which uses a porous paper
cup (3) and flexible baffle (2). Remove the baffle from
element to screen the particles of dust and dirt from the
the dust cup and empty the dust from the dust cup.
air before the air enters the carburetor. A flexible hose
(3) Remove the wing nut (4) with its
connects the air cleaner and carburetor.
assembled washer 'gasket (5) and remove the element
maintenance requires cleaning or replacement of the air
(6) from the air cleaner body(7).
cleaner element when the restriction indicator shows a
restricted condition. This occurs when the engine is
Do not use gasoline or other
running and the clogged condition of the air cleaner
solvents for cleaning the air cleaner
prevents sufficient air from entering the engine. The
partial vacuum in the air lines trips the restriction
(4) To clean the air cleaner element, use a
indicator, indicating the need for servicing or
1/8-inch air nozzle with 100 psi maximum compressed
replacement of the air cleaner element.
air, blowing from the inside toward the outside until all
dust is removed.
cylinder containing internal baffles which break up the
Mechanical drying methods can be
flow pattern of the exhaust gases expelled by the engine
used providing that the heated air
to provide quiet engine operation. It is mounted on the
does not exceed a temperature of
top of the engine to provide quiet engine operation. It is
180 with the air under constant
mounted on the top of the engine housing and is
circulation. Do not attempt to use
connected to the exhaust manifold of the engine by a
light bulbs for element drying.
pipe nipple. A heat shield is mounted between the
(5) An alternate method of cleaning the
muffler and housing to minimize heat transfer to the
element is to wash it with a nonsudsing detergent in a
container large enough to immerse the element. Allow it
to soak for 10 minutes minimum and agitate it for 2
c. Engine Housing. The engine housing protects
minutes to dislodge all dirt. Rinse with clean water,
the engine from the weather, aids cooling by directing
using a pressure hose from a tap with pressure of less
the air flow around the engine, and provides a mounting
than 40 psi. Air dry thoroughly before reinstallation.
for the air cleaner and muffler.
(6) Insert a light bulb in the cleaned element
and carefully check for holes, cracks, or ruptures. A
4-18. Air Cleaner and Piping
hole in the element will necessitate element
replacement. Any hole, no matter how small, will cause
unnecessary engine wear.
The air cleaner element must be
(7) Install the element in the air cleaner body
replaced after one year of service or
(7). Check that the washer gasket (5) on the wing nut is
after it has been cleaned six times,
in good condition; secure the element to the body with
whichever comes first.
the wing nut.
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