Make sure that some passage of liquid continues
through the pump during operation.
g. If the rate drops off for no apparent reason,
discharge pressure gage valve (8) to operate the gages.
check the suction line for blockage or closed valves.
Open the air eliminator valve (1) if necessary to
eliminate air from discharge system.
h. If the engine stops due to an engine overspeed
condition, correct the cause of the overspeed and press
the reset button (2, fig. 4-2) on the top of the engine
and operate the pump at maximum governed speed.
overspeed governor to reset the overspeed circuit
Depending on pumping conditions, the pump may not
before attempting to restart the engine.
start pumping immediately, since it is necessary for the
suction hose to fill with water. If after a reasonable time
i. If the engine stops due to a low oil pressure
the pump fails to pump, check the suction line carefully
condition, press the low oil pressure reset (15, fig. 2-2)
for leaks. A small air leak will greatly reduce pumping
to reset the oil pressure circuit before attempting to
efficiency under any conditions and especially when
operating under a high suction lift.
d. After the pump starts pumping, as indicated by
when the pumping cycle is completed.
a reading on the discharge pressure gage, close the air
eliminator valve and adjust the flow from the air
When filling the fuel tank always
eliminator valve and/or a throttle control on the control
maintain metal to metal contact
panel to obtain the desired pumping rate or discharge
between the filling apparatus and
fuel tank to prevent a spark from
e. Check the pump for any unusual or excessive
being caused by static electricity.
vibration. If excessive vibration is noticed, stop the
k. During operation, check the fuel level gage (2,
pump immediately and correct the cause. Vibration
usually results when the pump or connecting lines are
filler cap (3) and add 91A Gasoline to fill the tank.
not properly supported, alined or secured.
l. Check the air cleaner restriction indicator at
f. While the pump is in operation, do not
intervals during operation. If the restriction indicator
completely close the valve in the discharge line.
shows red, it indicates that the air cleaner requires
Although no serious harm can be done to the pump, the
servicing after shutdown.
rotating impeller churning the water can generate
enough heat to cause the liquid in the volute to boil.
2-11. Operation in Extreme Cold
e. Service the fuel filter frequently to remove any
moisture which may have collected in the fuel bowl.
a. Keep the pump free of ice and snow at all times.
Cover it when not in use and, if possible, provide some
2-12. Operation in Extreme Heat
shelter from the weather.
a. Protect the pump assembly from direct rays of
b. Use a hydrometer to assure that the engine
the sun if possible.
coolant has sufficient antifreeze to prevent freezing at
b. Allow adequate space for ventilation. Use a fan
the lowest temperature to which the pump will be
to circulate the air if the pump is operated in an
c. Refer to the current lubrication order to assure
c. Keep the engine and radiator clean to provide
that the engine lubricant is the proper grade for the
proper heat transfer to the air.
coldest conditions likely to be encountered.
d. Keep the fuel tank filled when the pump is not in
comply with the recommendations of the current
use. This will prevent moisture from condensing in the
lubrication order.
fuel system. Moisture in the fuel system can freeze and
2-13. Operation in High Altitudes
clog lines, filters, and carburetor jets, preventing fuel
The operating efficiency of both engines and
from reaching the engine.
pumps diminishes at higher altitudes. Make sure
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