contact with the equipment. This will help prevent the
that the engine is operating at peak efficiency to provide
formation of rust and corrosion.
the highest possible pump output.
2-14. Operation in Sandy or Dusty Areas
b. Coat all unpainted metal surfaces with grease to
a. Maintain a careful check of the air cleaner
prevent formation of rust and corrosion.
2-17. Operation in Snow
organizational maintenance when it indicates a
a. Before operation, brush away any snow which
restricted condition of the air cleaner. The service
has seeped into the engine compartment to assure free
frequency of air cleaner service must be increased when
rotation of the fan and belts and to prevent water from
operating under conditions of extreme sand or dust.
the melted snow from entering engine components.
b. Take care to prevent sand and dust from
entering the fuel system while filling the fuel tank.
not frozen shut as the result of freezing of melting snow.
Watch the fuel strainer bowl for accumulations of dirt.
c. Brush all snow away from the instrument panel
Report any dirt accumulations in the bowl.
to assure clear observation of the instruments.
2-15. Operation Under Rainy or Humid Conditions
2-18. Operation in Mud
a. Take care to prevent moisture from entering the
a. Make sure that the pump skid is mounted on a
fuel system. Fill the fuel tank immediately after every
firm base so that it will not become mired in soft earth.
operating period to prevent moisture in the air from
Use planking or blocking, if necessary, to prevent the
condensing and entering the fuel system. Maintain a
pump from sinking into muddy earth.
careful check of the fuel strainer bowl for collections of
b. Keep the radiator free from mud. Mud caked in
moisture. Report it to organizational maintenance when
the radiator cooling fins will decrease the cooling
moisture is noted in the fuel bowl.
capacity of the radiator.
b. Take special care to prevent rust and corrosion
c. Wipe all mud from the instrument panel to
of exposed metal surfaces.
Coat exposed metal
provide clear observation of the instruments.
surfaces with light grease to prevent rusting. Report
2-16. Operation in Salt Water Areas
a. Because of the corrosive action of salt water,
use fresh water to wash off any salt water that comes in
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