![]() 11. Stand the Housing upright on the Impeller chamber to
5. Slide the Arbor (47), into the larger of the rotor
enter the arbor and motor assembly. If care is used to
orifices, engaging the spline on the Arbor with the
maintain good alignment, the assembly will slide
mating internal spline in the Rotor (42).
readily into position. Never drive or otherwise force
6. After installing a Vane (11) in each vane slot, place the
the motor into the Housing.
Cylinder (43) over the Rotor and onto the Front End
12. Slide the Housing Gasket (15) over the face and
Plate, positioning it so that the small hole in the face
of the Cylinder and the notch in the cylinder flange
against the shoulder on the Back Head (36). Slide the
pilot on the Back Head into the Housing, entering the
align with the small hole and notch in the End Plate.
end of the Cylinder Dowel (13), that protrudes from
7. Slip the Rear End Plate (14), crescent grooved side
the Rear End Plate, into the dowel hole in the face of
first, over the end of the Arbor and install the Arbor
the Back Head. Retain by screwing the Housing Nut
Rear Bearing (26).
(16) securely onto the Housing. Rotate the Arbor as
the Housing Nut is tightened. If binding is noted it is
8. Screw the Governor Assembly into the bore of the
usually due to the motor being improperly seated in
Arbor. This is a left-hand thread, turn
the Housing. Striking the Housing a few blows with a
counterclockwise to tighten.
soft hammer will usually jar the motor to a good seat
9. When installing the Water Seals, position the Housing,
and eliminate the binding.
motor end down, and start one of the Water Seals (4),
lip side first, into the housing bore (the spring is visible
13. Lubricate t h e Pump More starting it even
on the lip side). Using a flat faced arbor, whose
momentarily. Without lubrication the Water Seals will
diameter nearly equals that of the Seal, press in the
be quickly damaged.
Seal until its leading face is flush with the bottom of
the small bore in the Housing. Start the second Seal,
14. Check the Arbor speed with a tachometer. If found
lip side up, into the housing bore. Then press in the
incorrect, reset the Governor as stated under
Impeller Hub Bushing (2) until its flange contacts the
"Inspection for Wear or Damage".
housing face. As the Bushing enters the Housing it will
force the second Seal into the proper position.
15. Install the Impeller (56) on the Arbor, and the
10. Insert the Impeller Spacer (45), beveled end first, into
Impeller Cover (52) on the Housing, being sure to
the bore of the Water Seals from the motor end of the
adjust the clearance in accordance with the procedure
Housing. Insert the Arbor Front Bearing Seat (57)
recommended under "Inspection for
through the motor chamber in the Housing and seat it
on the shoulder adjacent to the Water Seal.
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