![]() the Governor was removed. Hold the Cylinder in one
hand (never clamp it in a vise) and strike the rod,
driving the Arbor from the Arbor Rear Bearing (26)
and freeing the Rear End Plate (14), Cylinder (43),
Rotor (42), Vanes (1 1), Front End Plate (8) and
A r b o r Bearing Spring (58). As recommended in
"Disassembly and Assembly" the Arbor Front Bearing
( 4 4 ) , Arbor Bearing Spacer (25), Arbor Packing
Retainers (10) and the Arbor Packing (9) should not
b e removed unless replacement is necessary. To
Also avoid unnecessary removal of the Arbor Packing
remove the Arbor Packing Retainers, which hold the
Retainers (10) and Arbor Packing (9) from the Front End
Packing in place, use the No. P3554 Retainer Pliers.
Plate (8). Arbor Packings are impregnated with tallow. If
new ones are being installed, they must be heated slightly
Unscrew the Grease Chamber Cap (65) from the
Housing and remove the Grease Plunger Spring (63)
so that they can be compressed sufficiently for insertion in
and Grease Plunger (64). Examine the Grease Plunger
the Front End Plate.
Packing (62) and the Grease Chamber Cap Seal (66).
Replace either if worn or damaged.
Unscrew the Air Strainer Assembly (32) from the
Back Head (36). For cleaning and disassembly of the
A i r Strainer Assembly follow the procedure as
Slip the Grease Chamber Cap Seal (66) over the
recommended in "Preventive Maintenance".
threaded end of the Grease Chamber Cap (65) until it
Unscrew the Impeller Cover Cap Screws (49) and
enters the groove in front of the flange on the Cap.
r e m o v e the Inlet (51), Impeller Cover (52) and
Mount the Grease Plunger Packing (62) on the front
Impeller Cover Shims (53). Unscrew the Arbor Nut
face of the Grease Plunger (64) and retain it with the
( 5 4 ) from the Arbor (47). This can usually be
G r e a s e Plunger Packing Washer (61) and Grease
loosened by a sharp, quick blow on the handle of a
Plunger Packing Washer Cap Screw (59). Slide the
wrench placed upon the Nut. The Impeller (56) can
Plunger, Packing end first, into the Grease. Chamber,
insert the Grease Plunger Spring (63) and screw the
usually be removed by pulling with the fingers while
Cap into the end of the chamber.
lightly striking the threaded end of the Arbor with a
hammer handle or wood block. Remove the Impeller
As stated under "Disassembly and Assembly", the
Key (48) and Impeller Shims (46) from the Arbor.
Arbor Packing must be heated slightly before insertion
i n the Front End Plate. Place an Arbor Packing
Grasp the Housing (1) in a vise. Using a soft hammer.
Retainer (10) followed by the Arbor Packing (9) into
strike the lugs on the Housing Nut ( 16), loosening the
the Front End Plate. Retain by installing the other
Nut. Unscrew the Nut and remove the Back Head (36)
Packing Retainer.
and Housing Gasket (15). Remove the motor assembly
by driving on the threaded end of the Arbor with a
Be sure the Arbor Bearing Spacer (25) is in position
soft hammer. Remove the Impeller Spacer (45) if this
a g a i n s t the shoulder on the Arbor (47) before
part remained in the Water Seals (4). Place the
installing the duplex type Arbor Front Bearing (44).
Housing, motor end down, on the work bench.
Press one bearing component, shielded side first,
Examine the Impeller Hub Bushing (2) and the Water
against the Spacer with a sleeve that will contact only
Seals (4). Do not remove these parts unless they are
the bearing inner ring. Press the remaining component,
unfit for further service.
open side first, against the first component, again
using the sleeve so that all pressing is done on the
Grasp the Impeller end of Arbor in copper covered
inner ring.
vise jaws and unscrew the Governor Assembly from
Position the Arbor Bearing. Spring (58) so that its
the opposite end of the Arbor. The Governor Body
(17) has a left-hand thread; turn clockwise to remove.
pronged side contacts the outer ring of the Arbor
Remove the assembly from the vise and insert a 5/16"
Front Bearing (44). Then install the Front End Plate
diameter rod at least 5" long into the hoie from which
(8) on the Arbor.
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